
Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Person of Interest: "QSO" Review

The latest game news from IGN - one of my fave channels ever - check it out

Warning: Full spoilers for the episode below.

We got a double-dose of Person of Interest tonight with the episodes "QSO" and "Reassortment." My review for "Reassortment" will be up in the morning.

30 Rock's Scott Adsit, along with Root's perpetual quest for Shaw, helped liven up this episode of Person of Interest as a radio show centered around conspiracy theories became the latest battleground in the war against Samaritan.

Meanwhile, Shaw went on another field trip with the tragic twist being the reverse of what we've seen so far. I wasn't a huge fan of how "A More Perfect Union" replayed the VR twist from "6,741," but I see now that it could have been there so that this twist could land. The one where Shaw found out that she actually wasn't in a virtual world. Making her flippant choice to murder a scientist that Samaritan had targeted as being dangerous a very real thing. So her time with Lambert (not Greer this time) wound up turning her into an unsuspecting Samaritan agent. Essentially she was tricked into carrying out a hit.

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