
Thursday 29 October 2020

Star Trek: Discovery Review

The latest game news from IGN - one of my fave channels ever - check it out Full spoilers follow for this episode. [poilib element="accentDivider"] After a brief misstep last week, Star Trek: Discovery finds its groove again with “People of Earth,” which properly reunites Sonequa Martin-Green’s Burnham with her long-lost (from her perspective anyway) crewmates on the Disco. Along the way, the episode also manages to feel particularly Star Trekkie, like its story of the week could’ve been plucked right out of The Original Series or The Next Generation. A brief log entry from Burnham catches us up on the year that she has spent in the “future” of the 32nd century. Not knowing when, or if, the Discovery would ever show up, she had no choice but to adapt to the time and place where she found herself, becoming a partner to Book (David Ajala) and working as a courier while scrounging up dilithium scraps and attempting to determine what caused the galaxy-shaking The Burn, the devastating event which essentially led to the end of the Federation as we know it. [widget path="global/article/imagegallery" parameters="albumSlug=star-trek-discovery-season-3-photos&captions=true"] What a lovely scene it is when Burnham is reunited with her friends in the transporter room, with director Jonathan Frakes pouring on the warmth as his camera gets lost amid the characters while they take turns hugging the emotional Michael. Even Michelle Yeoh’s Georgiou, who was particularly grating last week, gets a nice beat here, with her simply staring at Burnham from across the room saying tons. Another long-wondered about moment comes shortly thereafter, as Saru (Doug Jones) officially becomes captain of the Discovery. No more “acting” in that rank! Of course, Disco has been fluid with its captains, first giving us Lorca (who, at this point, we’ll almost certainly never see gain, non-Mirror version or not) and then Pike. And the question of whether Saru or Burnham would take over in this new time period has had fans guessing since the end of Season 2, but here Burnham, changed by her experiences of the past year, just hands it to Saru, saying, “I don’t know if it’s ever been me.” Huh. Not very Burnham like, actually. One might say Tilly’s wall of badges commemorating those who’ve been lost is a little too reminiscent of Battlestar Galactica’s memorial hallway, though then again isn’t it just a natural display of grief? And it also, thanks to Mary Wiseman’s performance, drives home the gulf of time that has separated the crew from their lives back home. Sadly, she also senses a gulf between the Burnham she knew yesterday and the one standing before her today. And that continues to be a thread throughout this episode, as Burnham confronts the reality of being part of Starfleet again -- albeit a Starfleet of basically one ship -- after living the life she’s led for the past year. It’s not the most convincing aspect of “People of Earth,” however, as a year doesn’t seem like that long a time. Then again, we don’t really know what she’s been through since we last saw her, though Georgiou sees that Michael has changed and is seemingly egging her on to follow her newfound feelings of independence. (Notably, Michael doesn’t put on a Starfleet uniform until she’s forced to as a form of disguise.) [ignvideo width=610 height=374 url=] But there are more pressing matters to deal with. The Discovery still has its spore drive, which means Michael can finally return to Earth. And what do you know? When they get there, the crew learns that Earth is no longer part of the Federation. And indeed, nobody seems to even know where (what’s left of) the Federation and Starfleet are these days. The Earth government is seemingly more concerned with fighting off dilithium “raiders” than anything else, reminding us how small and petty the galaxy has become. It’s another case this season of Burnham and Saru and the rest being shocked -- shocked! -- by how things have turned out, but everything winds up coming together rather nicely in a very classic Star Trek way as our heroes realize that the pirates they’ve been fighting off are actually human as well, the desperate remnants of a long-forgotten Earth colony on Saturn’s moon Titan. Of course, this kind of situation is a Starfleet specialty, and Burnham and Saru are forging a new peace between the two as quickly as you can say Organia. Who says the Federation isn’t around anymore? And then there’s Blu del Barrio, who makes their debut as Adira here. A seeming engineering prodigy and busybody, Adira turns out to actually be a teenage human who somehow is carrying a Trill symbiont within them. (Deep Space Nine fans know what this is all about.) The character appears to be the next clue to the Disco crew’s tracking down Starfleet, and del Barrio is well-served here, bouncing off of Anthony Rapp’s Stamets in what will hopefully become a recurring friendship (and maybe even mentorship?). The episode culminates with a great bit as Tilly and the bridge crew return to the former site of Starfleet headquarters to find the same tree they once used to study under, only some 900 years older (and, no doubt, bigger). The more things change… [ignvideo width=610 height=374 url=] Questions and Notes from the Q Continuum:
  • “Time travel, man.”
  • So dilithium didn’t just go kablooey in The Burn, but it had also become scarce in the years prior to that disaster.
  • Also, alternatives to warp drive didn’t prove viable, which seems surprising considering we know of other types of interstellar travel in the Star Trek universe. (Uh, spore drive anyone?)
  • Only millions died in The Burn? That actually seems like a relatively small number, all things considered.
  • Those repair robots fixing the ship, and which are also part of the opening credits this season, have been seen before. Called the DOT-7s, we saw them repairing the Enterprise in last year’s finale, “Such Sweet Sorrow: Part 2,” as well as in, of course, the animated Short Trek “Ephraim and Dot.”
  • Love that black alert sound!
  • David Ajala’s Book is back this week, and has some fun business as a sort of sidekick to Michael, but the two do part ways by episode’s end. One wonders what circumstances will lead to his return…

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