
Saturday 30 April 2016

Outlander: "La Dame Blanche" Review

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Full spoilers for Outlander continue below.

Well that obviously was going to turn into a terrible mess.

Claire and Jamie's plan to stop Bonnie Prince Charlie's uprising hasn't been going so great in recent weeks, and in "La Dame Blanche" it reached a tipping point. Outlander let viewers know from the beginning of Season 2 that the Frasers' plan was doomed for failure, but knowing that disappointing fact and witnessing it unfold are two different things entirely.

As great as the moments of comedy have been in Outlander: Season 2, it's done a solid job of grounding the drama as well. Some terrible, irreparable things happen in the fourth episode of the season. Mary Hawkins was raped by brigands that seemingly were sent after their group, though the reveal of Claire -- who they called "La Dame Blanche" -- sent them running. The guests at Claire and Jamie's dinner party witnessed Alex Randall seemingly raping Mary when he was actually trying to protect her. Meanwhile the Comte St. Germain gets more and more sinister, as the show repeatedly implies he is the one behind these attacks on Claire.

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Watch Team Shacknews Compete in the Rocket League Championship Series

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Support Team Shacknews! Our very own TheQuad, Vov1n, Skizl, Peat, and Foo have joined forces to bring it home for the Shack. Are they bad enough dudes to do it for Shacknews? Please take a look!

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Friday 29 April 2016

Alienation Review

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Alienation delivers on the Housemarque promise of intense, finely honed, visually spectacular arcade carnage, but it also goes a few steps further. Its light action-RPG hooks don't dig as deep as something like Diablo 3, but they do add a satisfying power curve to chase while blasting through a twin-stick shooter that's prettier, more expansive, and more replayable than just about any other.

Alienation’s controls are sharp, and enemies are plentiful and varied enough to keep a squad of up to four co-op players busy. Many are more nuanced than simple bullet sponges: shielded sentry turrets have nearby generators you can take out to make damaging them dramatically easier; snipers can threaten you from a couple of screens away but always telegraph their shots in a fair, visible way; and the monolithic Sentinels need to be bursted down quickly before their deadly beam attacks lock on and melt your lifebar away. Aside from providing a diverse set of threats, they also tend to die spectacularly for your viewing pleasure.

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ASTRONEER - Gameplay features breakdown with Adam Bromell (eonix)

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Andrew and Joe caught up with Adam Bromell (eonix) at PAX East to talk about Astroneer. You know it, you love it, so watch some more gorgeous footage of Astroneer!

For more, be sure to subscribe to Shacknews on YouTube.

Hungry for more Shacknews Astroneer content? Check out our GDC 2016 interview with Adam here.

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Report: Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare coming November 4

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It looks like more leakage in the Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare marketing ship, as it appears that a promotional image for the game has emerged from a Canadian retailer showing the game name, release date and the special edition coming up. Oh, yeah, and that special Call of Duty Remastered game people were somewhat interested in.

The image, which is for the PlayStation 4 version, lists the release date as November 4 for a retail price of $79.99. The Legacy Edition for $109.99 will offer the Standard Edition as well as Call of Duty Modern Warfare Remastered. The ad reports that the remastered edition will only have 10 of the original game's multiplayer maps, not the whole selection. 

On top of this little marketing leak, which still isn't confirmed by Activision despite our repeated requests, CharlieINTEL is reporting that the new Call of Duty is being teased in the Black Ops 3 Nuk3town map showing a futuristic spaceship blowing up the landscape and revealing a new logo: 

This supports what we have heard previously that developer Infinity Ward is taking the game in more of a futuristic direction.

With all of this info coming rather quickly, it wouldn't surprise me if Activision has some sort of official announcement very soon.

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The future of Battlefield to be revealed in May 6 event

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You gotta love teasers for teasers. And we report on those teasers for teasers. So here's a Battlefield teaser that teases an event on May 6 where DICE will tease what's happening in Battlefield 5. Are you with me?

We will attend said event, which will be at 4 p.m. ET / 1 p.m. PT, and give us some much needed details on where the franchise will be heading. At least as much info as they will let us release with embargos. And they of course will want to save more info for EA Play, which will be at E3, but not at E3.

According to the press release, "Get insight into the minds of the developers as you hear from the Creative Director Lars Gustavsson and Lead Producer Aleksander Grondal on the past, present and the future of Battlefield. You will be able to join in the conversation as we open the floor to questions." There will also be info at that time on the game's official Twitch channel.

Be sure to follow the event page for more teases ... er, details.

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Making a Hearthstone Card: The Madness of Yogg-Saron

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Now we've got a tale to tell you of the ones from long ago.

The Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft expansion, Whispers of the Old Gods has 134 new cards to collect, but none of them have quite gotten attention and fan chatter like Yogg-Saron. The Legendary card is one of only four Old Gods, and his random effects make him by far the most unpredictable. With special access from Blizzard's Team 5, we can reveal unused Yogg-Saron card concepts and design insights straight from designers Mike Donais and Peter Whalen. 

The story of Yogg-Saron's development actually begins as a broader picture, with the development of the Old Gods as a family of cards. The initial concept was actually to have each card impact one of the core pillars of the game, and to take effect immediately when the game started. C'Thun would replace your entire deck, N'Zoth had an impact over your minions, Y'Shaarj replaced your Hero Power, and Yogg-Saron gave you extra Mana crystals. It worked well thematically, but it was limiting from a design perspective.

"We hit on the cultist ritual mechanic that we wanted to do for C'Thun, and at that point we started moving away from that symmetry where all of the Old Gods affected you at the start of the game," Whalen said. "And once we broke with that symmetry a little bit it made more sense to find the most fun designs for each of the Old Gods rather than try to tie them together into that mold."

Instead, the focus of the Old Gods designs shifted from having a singular theme, to a broader idea of what Donais called "blow-your-mind" effects. And some of the rejected designs, while they didn't work for a variety of reasons, were truly mind-blowing.

Design Notes: This is the first version of Yogg-Saron that we have a record of. We wanted the old gods to blow your mind when you saw them. We tried some crazy versions that had effects if they started the game in your deck. This one is a mixed blessing, your turns are really short, which can be exciting if you opt into it. As a bonus, once it’s in play, all your spells are 1 mana which can cause some crazy turns.

Despite this effect being limited to only when it's on the board, this effect was simply too powerful. Mike Donais said some combinations were "absolutely ridiculous," and as a result it didn't take long to change this design into something a little more reasonable. In particular, he said, playtesters would use Mage decks with Pyroblast and Arcane Intellect to deal massive damage and keep their hands full for more burn spells. As long as they could keep Yogg-Sarron on the board for a turn, it was essentially a guaranteed win. However, the shortened turn timer was one idea that the team would circle back to before development was finalized.

Design Notes: Playing these games had a weird feeling where one player felt like an adventure boss and the other felt like they were playing normal Hearthstone. It seemed like it was possible to make it fair, but the games didn’t feel particularly good, so we moved in a different direction.

This design would cap you at four mana, but you'd start with an important advantage. The result was a unique game style built around early leads and a "snowball" effect, but it ultimately wasn't very enjoyable for either player, for very different reasons. 

"If your opponent got to 6 crystals and could stabilize, they won, and otherwise you could just kill them with 5/4s," Whalen said. "It really felt like playing an A.I. where it feels good when you win but really bad when you lose. And it felt kind of boring for the guy who had just 4 mana crystals. Just, 'I'm going to do this thing.'" 

There wasn't much flexibility on the side of the player with Yogg-Saron, since the deck would be built with as many four-drops as possible, along with a handful of 1- and 2-Mana cards so you could play multiples on one turn. Your opponent's best hope was to "get lucky and stabilize with AOE." And while it wasn't necessarily unfair to the opponent, it certainly felt that way. That sensation was more important than the statistics.

"More than just the power level, it was the feel," Donais said. "Even if his winrate ended up being 50%, the times you lost to it felt really bad."

The team says they also attempted this with one less Mana crystal, so you would be capped at three, but it still didn't work.

Design Notes: We decided to try the 15 seconds per turn version again because it was exciting to play. People who liked the gameplay would include it in their decks even if it wasn't powerful. Some people didn't like being rushed and would avoid playing it.

This effect, which is essentially a one-sided Nozdormu, had lots of flavor going for it. Whalen even said that if they'd gone with the design, they would have liked to have some special animation to announce its presence. 

"We'd do some cool effects where he popped out of your deck, ate your mind, and popped back in," he said, "to announce to both players that something crazy happened."

As a trade-of for your short turn timer, you would have access to a 5-Mana 10/10, the largest Mana-to-stats ratio in the game to date. It was a Legendary built around calculated risk, and Donais said it was best for the player who tended to take quick turns anyway. However, it ran into technical limitations. 

"We had some problems with that, because the phone interface is a bit slower, and also if you had just a minor lag on your Internet service or if some cards don't interact perfectly," Donais said. "We'd have to really engineer turn timers so they were perfect. We didn't have the resources to do that and weren't sure it would be worth doing the card even if we had that."

Design Notes: We wanted to move the Old Gods to be more build-around, so we sat down and redesigned almost all of them. This one was the crazy spell build-around. People were very excited about it, but it turned out to be very, very dangerous.

This design was very close to the finalized one, but rather than cast a set of random spells, it would recast all of the ones you already had. The exploits were plentiful. The team said they simply found too many one-turn kill decks.

Blizzard cited a Druid deck with Bite and Claw, so you'd immediately build up a lot of armor and attack value at once. A Warrior deck used Charge with Blood Warriors, so you could get extra copies of Yogg-Saron and give him Charge as well. The Rogue could exploit Assassinate and Headcrack, but the bigger risk was to sap all the interactivity from the game.

"Infinite Yogg Saron," Whalen said. "It turns out if you play him and you cast Vanish that game, really, nobody gets to play Hearthstone anymore. You don't always win those games but they're not that fun."

Design Notes: Here is the design we finally arrived at and tentatively all liked. One last change after a lot of testing was removing 2 from his Health. He was pretty strong, we wanted to make him a touch weaker while still feeling large enough to be Yogg-Saron. We couldn't change any numbers in his Battlecry, and we liked all the gods costing 10, so Attack and Health were the only things we wanted to change at this point.

The near-finalized design had him as a 7/7, requiring only a minor tweak. Donais said reduction to five health made him "a little less reliable" so he wasn't simply an auto-include in spell-based decks. Even then, though, the engineering team had a task ahead of them. The randomness, and the need for Yogg-Saron to interact with every spell in the game, required a lot of meticulous testing. Ben Brode recently said on a stream that Yogg-Saron took the longest to program, and Donais and Whalen agreed. 

"Some of the spells on the back-end needed a little massaging to make it work in this crazy context being cast alongside other things," Whalen said. "Also the cards involving choosing had some difficulties because Yogg-Saron made the choice for you, like Tracking for example, or the Druid choice cards. That required a bit of additional work too. Secrets uses a slightly different code path than everything else so it took a little extra as well. The engineers needed to go through basically every card and make sure it worked right."

The result is a random effect that may not make its way into competitive tournament decks, but has made for some of the best replay and highlight videos of the expansion so far. Even in Blizzard's own reveal stream, Yogg-Saron impacted the board in unexpected ways leading to a dramatic finish. 

"One of the important things [for Old Gods] was you had to build your deck a certain way to take advantage of them," Whalen said. "We tried a bunch of different big payoffs for what Yogg-Saron does. The super-consistent Yogg-Saron variants caused you to kill your opponent that turn or create such an overwhelming advantage that it wasn't that much fun. So we ended up tweaking it for this random version, which ended up being a lot of fun and much healthier for the game than creating a bunch of one-turn kills."

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Arma 3 Reconnaissance Guide shows how to scout out the enemy

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Bohemia Interactive's Arma 3 continues to have a dedicated following long after its launch in 2012. The tactical shooter has been getting regular updates, including a 3D Scenario Editor earlier this year. Now, the company has released a community guide describing the ins and outs of recon, featuring Shack Chatty's own Andrew "Dslyecxi" Gluck of Shack Tactical.

"The new video explores what to look out for when scanning the terrain, as well as the various methods of 'recon' in Arma 3, ranging from infantry using binoculars and magnified scopes, to helicopters with magnified sensor suites, and Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAV) or Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGV)," according to the press release.

Of course, Dslyecxi has been into Arma and creating guides for some time. Bohemia was so impressed with his work that they hired him as designer for two years before he left In 2014, Around the time that he departed, he created a guide on air assault. There is a complete Community Guide playlist on Arma 3 YouTube channel.

If you play Arma and don't know about Shack Tactical, aka ShackTac, then you might want to check out the Community Spotlight we did on the group a few years back.

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Hitman Episode 2: Sapienza Review

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Part quaint Italian seaside town, part sprawling mansion, and part high-tech underground cave lair, Hitman’s second episode – Sapienza – is about as James Bond as the Hitman series has ever been. It’s an excellent level brimming with experimentation potential that will provide hours and hours of gameplay.

Dressed for the Italian summer in a crisp white, tucked shirt pilfered from Daniel Craig’s wardrobe, if it weren’t for his distinct lack of hair 47 probably wouldn’t look out of place easing an Aston Martin up to the nearest hotel and seducing the concierge. Double-O Forty Seven, perhaps.

Either way, Sapienza is a vastly more expansive experience than the previous level, Paris (reviewed here). While large and bustling with partygoers, staff, and equipment, Paris is still a single building and its immediate grounds. Sapienza, in contrast, is not just an expensive villa with an infectious disease lab facility attached; it’s everything around it too. There’s a village square lined with cafés and small stores. There are narrow cobbled streets that wind down to a small church, morgue, and a modest cemetery overlooking the ocean. There’s also a picturesque beach and seaside shopping area; from here you can access the town’s underground tunnels or wind your way past the jetty to discover a ruined fort. All of this is outside the large mansion and secret lair that houses both of 47’s targets, plus his additional objective.

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You Can Hop On An Official Mass Effect Ride This May

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BLACKROOM Kickstarter canceled to get a demo ready

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Well, that was abrupt. 

Less than a week after launching the BLACKROOM Kickstarter touting the return of old-school FPS game play, it appears John Romero and Adrian Carmack have decided to cancel this crowdfunding attempt so that they can get a demo ready to show off the game. The project had already received more than $130,000 of its goal of $700,000 when it was canceled.

Apparently, many fans were asking for a demo, and according to the Kickstarter site, the developers decided to oblige.

"The team is at work on a demo which demonstrates the kind of gameplay, look and innovative, cool features that make BLACKROOM truly unique — the things we’ve waited years to put into an FPS and which make us incredibly excited about this game," the team said on the site. "There’s a hitch here, a hitch that’s making us do something that’s right for the game, the team, and the community: we’re pressing “PAUSE” on the fundraising campaign for BLACKROOM to complete this gameplay demo. Simply put, this will take more time than the Kickstarter has left, so we’ve decided to suspend the campaign and launch a new one when the gameplay demo is ready. We believe, however, it is the right choice. We know you do, too. Thanks to your feedback, we know we should have included it at launch."

The demo is expected to be ready in a month or two. The team has promised to honor backer achievements for the next campaign.

Romero said when the Kickstarter launched that it was time for the old-school FPS to emerge again, but many in the community were disappointed that there was nothing shown except concept art. He also released a new Doom level this week as a "warm-up" for BLACKROOM.

We'll keep following the story and update when the new Kickstarter launches again.

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The Big Bang Theory: "The Fermentation Bifurcation" Review

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Warning: Full spoilers for the episode below.

For a show as formulaic and set in its ways as The Big Bang Theory, the best episodes are often the ones that push the characters out of their comfort zones. "The Fermentation Bifurcation" set out to explore character dynamics that aren't usually a focus on the show. It also attempted a little damage control as far as Raj and his increasingly toxic presence. Both of those elements helped the series bounce back after a particularly rocky patch of episodes.

This week the conflict kicked off when Penny won some tickets to a wine tasting, an activity that appealed to everyone except the pregnant Bernadette and the antisocial, anti-alcohol, anti-fun Sheldon. "Luckily" for Bernie, Sheldon was only too happy to stay home and keep her entertained. Her reaction to that was a hilarious and ominous sign of things to come. “Me? How? Why?”

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Total War: Warhammer to offer Chaos Warriors pack free in first week after release

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It looks like the Chaos Warriors are proving to be fairly popular. The race pack, which is being offered as a pre-order bonus if you grab Total War: Warhammer before its release, will now be available to those who buy the game within the first week that it comes out.

As part of the announcement,developer Creative Assembly has put together another Let's Play video, this one featuring Kholek Suneater's Chaos Warriors facing off against Ungrim Ironfist's Dwarves at High Pass. We had already ssen team Chaos face off against The Empire, but this time we see Dragon Ogre and Shaggoth units, to go with the usual array of cavalry and ground units. The battle is fought uphill, and actually makes for a fairly interesting battle to watch.

The game is slated for release on May 24 on PC. It was originally supposed to have come out yesterday. Creative Assembly has already detailed some of its plans for post-launch free DLC and paid content.

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Go Behind The Scenes With The Latest Warcraft Film Snippet

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May is almost here, and so is the upcoming Warcraft film. There's a brand new snippet out now if you're salivating over the movie's eventual release. It goes behind the scenes of The Lion's Pride Inn, showing off some of the easter eggs and other fascinating iniquities you'll see as a WoW fan in the movie.

The video below features Rob Kazinsky, who plays Orgrim Doomhammer in the film. You won't recognize him given all the special effects for the film (surprisingly powerful and impressive ones, at that) but you'll at least look back on this quick little snippet and remember what he looked like without Industrial Light and Magic's merged photos and scans.

If you're a big Warcraft fan, there's likely something you can find to appreciate about the movie, which doesn't look absolutely terrible, but hey -- the jury's still out on it. We'll see what happens before we pass judgment!

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Thursday 28 April 2016

The 100: "Join or Die" Review

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Warning: Full spoilers for the episode below.

Pike’s interesting, guys! He’s interesting!

It took far too long this season, but “Join or Die” finally gave us a reason to be invested in Pike and to at least partially see his perspective. Up until now, despite strong work by Michael Beach, the character has felt like a one-note antagonist who’s uber-militant approach wasn’t just dangerous, it felt actively stupid – especially as he was escalating a war against every single Grounder he would have no chance of winning.

But now, seeing his stubbornness pitted against Jaha’s intent to make him take one of those chips, it suddenly changed things as he is now a crucial player in a new resistance – one of the few left who are trying to stop ALIE. And while it was also easy to root for Indra to get her revenge, it would have been a mistake to kill Pike off at this point, just as things were changing so much for his place in the story.

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: "Leviathan" Review

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Warning: Full spoilers for the episode below.

Legends of Tomorrow still has several weeks left before the Season 1 finale, but you almost wouldn’t know it from watching this week’s episode. “Leviathan” was by far the most visually extravagant episode to date, at one point transitioning into a full-blown, Pacific Rim-style battle between titans. This episode was big, it was dramatic, and it was pretty much exactly what the show needed to start rebuilding momentum as it reaches the final stretch of Season 1.

Now facing a literal ticking clock in his anti-Vandal Savage crusade, Rip had no choice this week but to return to the year 2166 and try to defeat Savage at the height of his tyrannical power. If the team couldn’t defeat Savage in the 20th Century, what hope do they have in the 22nd, right? But as it turned out, the introduction of Savage’s daughter, Cassandra (played by Slasher’s Jessica Sipos) and the return of a long-lost artifact from Kendra’s past proved to be just the X-factors the team needed.

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Ratchet and Clank: The Movie Review

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The Ratchet and Clank movie is a charming, inoffensive, if not particularly memorable adaptation of the beloved PlayStation series. While it’s a colorful adventure with some solid performances from a great crew of actors, it ultimately can’t stand tall in the shadow of its far-superior PS4 counterpoint.

The movie tells the story of Ratchet, a plucky young Lombax (think an adorable space raccoon...thingy) who yearns to leave behind his life as a mechanic on a backwater planet and become a Galactic Ranger, just like his hero Captain Qwark. Along the way, he befriends a cute little robot named Clank, finds himself at the heart of an interstellar conspiracy, and ultimately tasked with going through the classic hero’s journey. The idea of an optimistic farm-boy who yearns to meet his hero and ultimately find his place in the vast universe isn’t wholly original. The flow of the movie is very Luke Skywalker in A New Hope, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.

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Vinyl: Season 1 Review

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Warning: Full spoilers for Season 1 of HBO's Vinyl below.

Vinyl roared in with an impressive cast and creative team. Bobby Cannavale, Oliva Wilde, and Ray Romano (who'd proven his dramatic chops on Parenthood and Men of a Certain Age) as leads. Martin Scorsese, Mick Jagger, and Boardwalk Empire's Terence Winter (who'd leave his position as showrunner before the final two episodes aired) as executive producers. A Scorsese-directed double-sized premiere. All with the intention of telling a raucous, sordid, spiraling tale of those in the music industry circa 1973. All with the intention of making you, if you didn't already, care about the music of this era as much as those behind the camera did.

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Horseshoes, Powergloves, and Other Weird Real-Life Controller Patents

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Speculation is fun, isn’t it? And we here in the gaming community are very, very good at speculating. From new console specs to whatever-the-heck franchise X publisher will choose to revitalize next, everywhere from forum posts to comment sections will be full of discussions about people’s take on the Next Big Thing.

And occasionally, companies like Sony and Nintendo drop us morsels of rumor food to feast on while we wait for major events and official announcements. It could be a cheeky leaked photo posted by someone’s uncle at Nintendo, a conversation overheard at a bar, or – one of my personal favorites – patents quietly filed and published.

It’s important to note that patents are just that – patents. Companies file them all the time in an effort to protect their ideas, and a lot of them will never actually be made, much less produced in mass quantity. But, they do give us an inside look at a manufacturer’s philosopy and can sometimes provide clues as to where gaming tech might be headed. We’re in a strange, transitional time right now between motion controls, virtual reality, and traditional gameplay methods, so it’s no surprise a handful of weird patents have been filed over the past few years. Here are a few of the most interesting from Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft.

Nintendo’s Horseshoe Controller

We touched on this briefly when discussing the new Nintendo announcement and compiling the NX rumors, but it warrants re-visiting purely for the spectacle of it. A horsehoe-shaped, hollow controller made from an aluminium alloy, some have wondered if this is what we can expect to release alongside the upcoming Nintendo console. More likely, however, is the suggested theory that it’s a fitness peripheral tied to something like Wii Fit over being a main control method for a video game. But hey; at least we know it’s a real patent and not an elaborate hoax.

Sony’s Break Apart Move Controller

Sony’s been interested in the idea of a move controller/dualshock hybrid for years now. In fact, they’ve filed patents for one twice; once in 2008, and another in 2011 (which was later published and made public).

The idea behind this one is understandable. At the time, the Wii was a huge success for Nintendo. Motion controls looked like the new frontier, which led PlayStation and Xbox to double down on their ideas for motion-based gaming. The results were the Kinect and the Move, although neither were ever as successful as Nintendo’s Wiimote-controlled motion-based games.

But, they were still going to try, which led Sony to making this beast, a fractured dualshock controller with two clown noses on top that allowed for Move interactivity. When broken apart, they became separate Move controllers held in each hand and tracked using the PlayStation’s camera peripheral. The Move has been a footnote in Sony’s legacy since its inception, but there’s always a chance they’ll bring back something with motion controls once the PS VR is released. Speaking of which…

Sony’s VR Powerglove

A more recent filing of several patents by Sony revealed a wearable glove peripheral to be used alongside a VR headset.

The NeoGAF poster who found and posted this patent filing describes it as a “glove controller for use with a head-mounted display.” The patents filed for this device include a thumb controller, glove interface object, and “systems and methods for providing feedback to a user while interacting with content.”

By all accounts, this appears to be something that would be integrated with the PSVR, much like the Oculus Touch motion controllers are to the Oculus Rift. The idea makes sense; virtual reality is all about taking immersion to the next level and putting the player into the game as closely as they can without actually transporting them to a fantasy world, and there’s still a disconnect between the player and the device when they’re using a controller with buttons to move around. But if you could interact with the game using 1:1 mapping of your hands and fingers? If you could grasp a sword and wave it without the use of analog sticks? Yeah, that seems pretty cool.

Of course, there are economic considerations involved. This tech would not be inexpensive to design and produce, meaning the PSVR would be marked up even further than it is now, making it all the more complicated and niche than before.

We’ll see if this ever actually becomes a thing. In the meantime, there’s plenty to try out using the Oculus Rift and the HTC Vive before the PSVR releases later this year.

 Microsoft’s Biometric Technology

Microsoft has always had a fascination with allowing users to interact with their devices in increasingly Star Trek-like ways, and a patent they filed for Biometric tech several years ago serves as more proof. Using this tech built into the controller, Polygon reports the box would be able to gauge the pressure expressed through one’s grip, the size of their fingers, and create a “profile” unique to each individual user that allows them to jump into a game seamlessly without having to deal with signing in. Unfortunately, this one never came to fruition.

The PlayStation Boomerang

This is an especially weird case, because not only was it made, it was shown off on the E3 show floor in 2005. (via Wikipedia) reports Sony has since clarified it was only a concept design prototype, although common belief held by the public suggested that the controller was intended to ship alongside the PlayStation 3. The design was later abandoned after poor public reception, but lives on today in infamy.

Microsoft’s Wearable Motion Controllers

Imagine if the Kinect was not a HAL-like device watching your every move from a separate position and was instead worn at key points on your body. That’s one of the early design philosophies behind Microsoft’s motion control research and development, which eventually yielded a patent for an arm band connecting a user with their device. The big difference here, however, was Microsoft’s intentions of using it for other devices alongside a gaming console. Using motion tracking, the device would also give you control over your smartphone and notebook by registering gestures picked up by the device worn as an arm band, watch, or possibly even fashion wear.

According to an early report by Engadget, this tech was likely connected to motion-sensing research conducted before the Wii popularized the idea. It hasn’t materialized into anything substantial, but there’s no telling what they’ll do with the HoloLens. In the meantime, you can see it in action -- alongside the creators explaining their vision for it -- in the video below.

Nintendo’s…Whatever This Is

Making odd peripherals is kind of Nintendo’s MO, but this patent is especially strange due to its vague nature. It’s an “Information processing system, information processing program, information processing method and imaging device,” one that incorporates “object detection” using cameras and mirrors. Its intention I not exactly clear, although some suggested and speculated uses include a projector, controller, and “more.”

Built into the device is an infrared transceiver, NFC area, and a power button/LED. Some of the included visuals in the lengthy NeoGAF post where this first showed up suggest Amiibo integration (which makes perfect sense, given the NFC tech) and possible image projection, although much of the patent remains obtuse. Considering the success of Amiibo figures, maybe this (or some permutation thereof) is something we’ll eventually see with the NX? Who knows.  

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Nintendo touts record-breaking Amiibo sales

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Remember those halcyon days of Amiibo shortages and price gauging? The shortages are done and over with, for the most part, and price gouging? That'll never stop. Neither will Amiibo sales: despite disappointing fans with the news that both Zelda U/NX and the codenamed NX console won't make their way to stores until March 2017, Nintendo announced that Amiibos are selling better than ever.

The news came as part of Nintendo's latest earnings report, slides for which have been posted online. According to its data, Nintendo shipped 24.7 Amiibo figures in the past financial year, as well as 28.9 million Amiibo cards—which just launched in June of last year—for a grand total of 53.6 Amiibo shipments.

"By providing a continued presence for Nintendo characters in stores, we believe the Amiibo platform has created great benefits for all of Nintendo's platforms," Nintendo CEO Tatsumi Kimishima said, sharing his belief that sales of Amiibo merchandise might be having a positive effect on Nintendo hardware.

Furthermore, Link, Pikachu, and Princess Zelda figures are now considered "evergreen," having maintained and in fact grown in popularity over a prolonged period.

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Quantum Break for Xbox One receiving update today

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Remedy and Microsoft are preparing a title update for Quantum Break on Xbox One to fix several nagging issues. Some, such as a correction for game assets disappearing if and when players backtrack, are general. Others, such as a taxi failing to appear in the game's introduction, are more specific.

The title update will be deployed later today.

Remedy and Microsoft are aware of these and other issues dogging the Windows version of the game, but do not yet have a patch ready. "[We] are aware of issues impacting fans playing the Windows 10 version of 'Quantum Break' and are continuing to work diligently to address all the feedback as soon as possible."

The full list of updates follows:

Act Fixes/Updates

  • Act 1 Part 1: Fixed a rare instance of taxi being missing from the intro cinematic
  • Act 1 Part 2: Fixed assets disappearing if players backtrack
  • Act 1 Part 2: Fixed an issue where players could not kill the guard in the parking lot
  • Act 1 Part 3: Fixed backtracking issues where some parts could unload
  • Act 1: Fixed overlapping audio in opening cinematic
  • Act 2 Part 1: Fixed Nick pathing issues
  • Act 2 Part 1: You can no longer get underneath the puzzle at the security station
  • Act 2 Part 2: First Chronon source renders properly
  • Act 2 Part 3: Added collision on time machine corridor to prevent player’s accidentally falling to their death
  • Act 2 Part 3: Fixed backtracking issues where some parts could unload
  • Act 2 Part 3: Fixed rare NPC issues where Amy or Nick could be killed or block the door
  • Junction 3: Fixed Hatch being hidden if the user skips a future vision too quickly
  • Junction 4: Fixed flickering environment outside office building
  • Act 5: Fixed last subtitle going by too quickly to read
  • Act 5: Fixed missing line in Portuguese audio in a cinematic

General Fixes/Updates

  • Fixed issue where ambient sounds disappeared when mashing buttons during a cinematic
  • Removed unnecessary loading screens showing up
  • Updated credits
  • World no longer visibly unloads after Jack lets Beth and NPC into the Swimming Pool front door
  • Amy no longer remains still and without pathing towards gate in train yard
  • Fixed Jack’s subtitles not showing in some cinematics
  • Unlock descriptions for Will Diary 1 and Will Diary 2 are no longer reversed
  • Fix for blinking lights, where flares would blink excessively bright after resuming from suspend mode
  • Fixes for making Xbox Live integration more fault-tolerant
  • Remedy logo fix
  • Fix for a rare bug that accidentally wiped progress after completing the game
  • Fix for some TV screens sometimes showing a really grainy image
  • Fixed circular progress bar alpha in the junction stats screen
  • Fixed video playback not always ending if the video was synced to audio
  • Fixed two rare instances of stalls when loading
  • Fixed a rare crash with the video texture system
  • Fixed crash in download menu when switching profiles
  • Fixed "Waiting for install to complete" text not being localized when changing the language
  • Game/story/collectible progress hero stats no longer display incorrectly when player has less than a percent of progress
  • Fixed rare instances of cloud saves failing and causing loss of progress

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Chattycast 91: The Expanded Universe

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Hearthstone launched its third major expansion this week, injecting hundreds of new cards into the long-lasting game. True to its CCG roots, it has remained a single release, no sequels or spin-offs, with expansions prolonging its lifespan far beyond most multiplayer games. Could other games find similar success with the same business model?

This week, we talk about expansions in the age of digital distribution. Why don’t more publishers iterate on a single release over a longer time? Is new boxed retail worth the investment? What would make the industry shift to a more add-on based model?

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id Software reveals retro Easter eggs in New Doom

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Yesterday, id Software hosted a livestream to showcase single-player elements. Later on, the Doom developer partnered with IGN to reveal a series of Easter eggs that will be instantly recognizable to fans of the series who fragging Imps and friends since 1993.

Warning: while these Easter eggs won't spoil any story details, learning about them now might take the fun out of discovering them yourself. We'll put specifics below, after a generic screenshot from Doom, just to protect your virgin eyes.

You've been warned!

During a demonstration, id executive producer Marty Stratton and creative director Hugo Martin revealed an "uber secret"—or rather, a set of secrets scattered across the game. According to Stratton and Martin, every mission in the game contains chunks of classic Doom maps, such as a wing of E1M2. You'll find them in a variety of ways, often by pulling levers that open secret passages elsewhere in the level.

Poke around, enter the passage, and see how far the rabbit hole goes: you'll walk out of Doom 2016's smooth, beautifully rendered 3D geometry, and step into shards of levels that appear lifted straight out of Doom's tech, pixels and all. Doom 2016's enemies stand in place of their pixelated counterparts, but keen observers will note that enemies are in the same place they were 22 years ago.

These "stubs," as the id crew described them to IGN, vary in size. Sometimes you'll get to run around in a larger stretch of an old level, other times you'll get to explore no more than a single room. Here's the kicker: "When you find these, you unlock the full version of the map, and you get to play from the menu," according to the id guys.

This is a really cool way for id's new team to tip their collective hat to the game that put deathmatch and 2.5D level design on the map (pun intended).

Source: IGN (click the link to see the video demonstration)

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Tera MMO adds Hello Kitty items to its store

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Every once in awhile, you get some strange and entertaining crossovers in games, be it because of marketing, or just some mischievous dev who got an OK from his equally impish supervisor. I'm not sure which is the case with developer En Masse, but the MMO Tera now sports Hello Kitty cosmetic items in its store.

And look, here is a colorful video to show you just how out of place the items mightl look in the game:

Among the items you can drop currency on:

  • Hello Kitty Adventure Loot Box: contains one random Hello Kitty accessory
  • Hello Kitty White Fashion Loot Box: contains a semi-enigmatic scroll, and may also contain a Hello Kitty White Tux Smart Box for male characters, alkahests, or other consumables
  • Hello Kitty Black Fashion Loot Box: contains a semi-enigmatic scroll, and may also contain a Hello Kitty Black Tux Smart Box for male characters, alkahests, or other consumables
  • Hello Kitty Red Team Spirit Loot: contains a semi-enigmatic scroll, and may also contain a Hello Kitty Red Uniform Smart Box for female characters (excluding amani female), alkahests, or other consumables
  • Hello Kitty Black Team Spirit Loot Box: contains a semi-enigmatic scroll, and may also contain a Hello Kitty Black Uniform Smart Box for female characters (excluding amani female), alkahests, or other consumables
  • Hello Kitty Pink Team Spirit Loot Box: contains a semi-enigmatic scroll, and may also contain a Hello Kitty Pink Uniform Smart Box for female characters (excluding amani female), alkahests, or other consumables
  • Hello Kitty Elin Spirit Loot Box: contains a semi-enigmatic scroll, and may also contain a Hello Kitty Elin Costume Smart Box containing a Hello Kitty costume for an elin and a Hello Kitty Pink Beret, alkahests, or other consumables.

The items will be available in the store through May 19.

The timing for this is perfect, as I found this meme last night.

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Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse gets special pre-order, launch day bonus

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Atlus has announced each pre-order and launch copy of Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse will receive special bonus items that will allow players to be able to leave Dagda’s mark with the metal emblem set that will come with each copy of the game, while supplies last, of course.

The three pins that will be included in each pre-order or launch day version of Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse measure in at roughly .75” in diameter each, and have a high shine and finish.

The pins were created to resemble the mark Dagda leaves on the protagonist of Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse after resurrecting him for his own bidding. Players will be able to showcase which path they side with: Peace or Anarchy.

Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse is scheduled to release exclusively on the Nintendo 3DS in Summer 2016.

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No Man's Sky dev reveals how the lore was created for the game

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No Man's Sky has been a highly anticipated title ever since it was revealed in December 2013, and as the game approaches launch on June 21 for PC and PlayStation 4, developer Hello Games is talking about how the lore is being created for the ambitious space-faring sim.

In a post on the European PlayStation Blog, programmer Sean Murray details how the team is going about giving some backstory to what players will experience. "With a universe as open as ours – with a near infinite number of planets out there to see – we want players to discover everything on their terms," he said. "We don’t have huge cut scenes or a traditional linear story. There is, however, a real lore in the game. Hopefully everything you find has a reason for existing. When you see a building, we’ve tried to think of who might have built it, and why. It’s something we’re excited to see fans uncover as they play, and put their own interpretations on."

He explains that writers Dave Gibbons (Watchmen, Kingsman, 2000 AD) and James Swallow (Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Star Trek) have penned a comic called "Adventures in No Man's Sky," where they detail their personal adventures withn the game world. The comic will be available in the Limited Edition version of the game.

In a previous post, Murray talked about the art direction for the game and how the team is trying for the look of a "science fiction book cover come to life."

No Man's Sky has already graced us with some pretty cool videos of the gameplay, and even went mainstream with a spot on the Late Show with Stephen Colbert. Coupled with Elite: Dangerous, space sim fans should be giddy about exploring space once again.

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The Americans: "Travel Agents" Review

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Warning: Full spoilers for the episode below.

The plotlines on The Americans can feel very separated from one another, with some cast members never working together, which made it oddly thrilling – in the midst of so much tension – to see Arkady, Oleg and Tatiana directly involved in the plan to help Martha escape from the US. It really brings to life how connected these people really are, if not by personal relationships, but by their involvement in this spy world.

But most of this episode, building off of last week, was really about the utterly sad, yet inevitable, destruction of Martha’s life. From the moment she met “Clark” and fell for him, this was the path she was on, but man was is sad to see it actually play out. Yes, she was behaving in a chaotic, dangerous way (for herself and those around her), but who could blame her? As the episode reminded us, this was a lonely woman who thought she’d found the man of her dreams and it was all a lie – one that wasn’t just emotionally destructive but had very specific, monumental ramifications.

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Offworld Trading Company lets you become a resource tycoon on the Red Planet

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Offworld Trading Company is a bit unconventional for a real-time strategy game. It has no combat, and mixes city-building with resource management and stock market speculation. The game has developed a following in Early Access, and is finally emerging for release.

Developed by Mohawk Games, which was co-founded by Civilization 4 lead designer Soren Johnson, the boasts campaign and skirmish modes, tutorials for the four playable factions and daily challenges to hone your skills. As with the Civ games, you have numerous difficulty levels and can challenge up to 7 other AI players. If you want to go against live opponents, you can jump into 8-player matches. 

“This game has been an idea I’ve had for a long time,” Johnson said. “I knew I wanted to create a unique real time strategy game, and when I started looking at all the possibilities, Mars just made sense for our setting.”

Steve previewed the game during a trip to the Stardock offices, and I have been playing it rather extensively in Skirmish mode. As an RTS player, I found it engaging and entertaining, and even quite challenging at higher difficulties. If you like the resource gathering aspect of RTS games and have always wanted to dabble a bit in the markets, this should be right up your alley.

The game is on sale for 25% off until May 16 on Steam.

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How to Get Into the Overwatch Beta

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The time until Overwatch’s release is starting to vamp up, and that means it’s time for more betas. Currently Blizzard has two betas schedule, a closed early access beta, which begins May 2 at 4PM PDT, and an open beta which opens up on May 4 at 4PM PDT. Learn everything you need to know to secure your spot in the upcoming beta, which lasts until May 9.

How to Access the Early Access Beta

To get into the early access beta you’ll need to preorder the digital copy of Overwatch: Origins Edition on PC, PS4, or Xbox One. This will grand you early access to the game ahead of the open beta, as well as give you two keys for the download if you pick it up on PC. PS4 and Xbox One owners also receive a second key, however it will arrive after the early access beta has opened to everyone on May 4.

How to Install the Overwatch Beta

To install the Overwatch beta you’re going to need to download Blizzard’s desktop application, if you don’t already have it installed. Create an account, or login to your account, and then click the Overwatch icon to get an install option after selecting your region.

If you’re on PS4, head over to the PlayStation Store and search for Overwatch. Choose the Overwatch Open Beta option and then click download.

Xbox One owners will need to head to the Xbox Store, select Games, Search All Games, and then type in Overwatch.  Choose the download option, and then launch it once the process is complete.

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Anime Weekend Sale on Steam discounts CLANNAD, Mega Man Legacy Collection, and more

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Steam held its first, and only, anime-themed sale over a year ago, which discounted a number of anime-influenced titles, including Hatoful Boyfriend, STRIDER, and more. Today, anime fans can rejoice as a new anime sale is taking place this weekend.

The Anime Weekend Sale once again discounts a number of anime titles from a number of well-known publishers, including Bandai Namco, Idea Factory International, and Sekai Project. Some notable anime games that are being discounted today are CLANNAD, Sound of Drop - fall into poison -, Grandia II: Anniversary Edition, Disgaea PC, Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1, THE KING OF FIGHTERS XIII STEAM EDITION, Mega Man Legacy Collection, and Rabi-Ribi, to name a few.

The Anime Weekend Sale kicks off today and will end on April 2nd at 10am PT.

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