
Monday 31 October 2016

Supergirl: "Survivors" Review

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Warning: Full spoilers for the episode below.

Supergirl has really been building up its cast this season, what with additions like Superman, Mon-El, Lena Luthor, Maggie Sawyer and most recently, Miss Martian. “Survivors” offered viewers a chance to become better acquainted with some of these new additions, while also reminding viewers that if there’s one thing this show does poorly, it’s introducing compelling, three-dimensional villains.

Not that it wasn’t fun seeing actress Dichen Lachman play the villain in another superhero TV series, but her debut as Roulette felt like a significant step down from her recurring role as Jiaying on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Other than a propensity for showboating and wearing slinky red dresses, there wasn’t much to this villain. There’s always the hope that roulette will have a deeper role to play later in the season, but for now about the only thing this character has going for her is the identity of her mystery benefactor. Lena Luthor? Someone in Cadmus?

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Gotham: "Red Queen" Review

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Warning: Full spoilers for the episode below.

Most of the time, I feel like TV "vision/dream sequence" episodes are kind of a self-indulgent waste. There are rare cases when it works, but mostly it just feels like padding - the chance to fill "x amount" of minutes with nonsense until the time comes to finally land on a point.

That's what happened here in "Red Queen" as Gordon got blasted with a powerful hallucinogen that took him into the dark recesses of his mind. Mad Hatter basically Scarecrow'd Jim here, with perhaps a bit of Joker at work too since Jervis' ultimate plan was to drive Gotham mad using his sister's tainted blood.

Now, I did like the introduction of Jim's dad, and the end of his vision, where Jim got to sit with his dad for a bit before the "fatal" car crash, worked well. Plus, the final reveal of his father possibly being the head of the Court was a nice twist. But getting to that end point was a bit of a drag. We had Bruce wearing a creepy Jim Gordon mask and then Jim tumbling into hell. Then Jim imagined a happy family life with Lee (set in the 30s or 40s?). All the while, Barbara (sometimes scantily clad in nurse attire) taunted him as they traveled to different levels of his subconscious on an elevator. It just felt like a rehash of all the torturous things we knew about Gordon already. Until his father showed up, of course.

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Sunday 30 October 2016

The Strain: Season 3 Finale Review

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Warning: Full spoilers for the episode below.

Last week's episode of The Strain could almost have functioned as a season finale, what with it bringing about the deaths of several major characters and significantly changing the show's status quo. But the show still had one week left to go. And as dark and dramatic as this season has been at times, "The Fall" proved that things can and will become much worse for our heroes.

Things were looking up for our heroes this week, at least relatively speaking. Palmer finally made his stand against the Master last week, mortally wounding Eichorst and appropriating the Master's other suitcase nuke. Now all Eph and his allies needed to do was hold it together long enough to spring their trap and seal the Master away in a silver-lined coffin for all eternity. No pressure, guys.

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The Walking Dead: "The Well" Review

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Warning: Full spoilers for the episode below.

"The Well," while not devoid of drama, was certainly the most upbeat Walking Dead episode to date - and yes, I am considering Season 6's "The Next World," which featured a time jump, a new romance, and the introduction of Jesus. But that now stands as the second most playful episode.

When we're presented with a tonally different Walking Dead episode, it's hard not to feel a certain amount of whiplash. The show is naturally grim so it's difficult to be prepared for an episode with intentionally silly elements to it. "The Next World" worked because of that leap forward in time that helped distance us from the trauma of "No Way Out." Here though, given the weighty atrocities of the Season 7 premiere -- which was way too manipulative, full of itself, and gimmicky to be effective -- "The Well" operates on a much more disjointed level. It was a solid episode, and a fun breather, though the fact that it's taking place at the same time as the Lucille ordeal creates a weird vibe.

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Westworld: "Contrapasso" Review

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Warning: Full spoilers for the episode below.


Interestingly, if I’m recalling correctly, this was the first episode of Westworld that didn’t begin with a close-up of Dolores – but that certainly didn’t indicate nothing of note was occurring with her this episode, as Westworld’s original Host was rapidly evolving in exciting (though, of course, potentially dangerous) ways.

Seeing her shoot and kill all those men coming for her and William was thrilling, no doubt – and there’s a wonderful feeling of empowerment hearing her say, “I imagined a story where I didn’t have to be the damsel,” explaining how she actively was able to make the choice to subvert her programming and intended purpose. Of course, underneath this is the question of what this means for Westworld as a whole and if all of the Hosts could do the same – and if so, the danger they could pose if Dolores or the others were to suddenly be able to kill guests, not only other Hosts. But for now, as far as Dolores’ specific journey, this is a huge new turn that – happening at the halfway point of the season – seems to be leading towards an even bigger transformation. The excellent “Contrapasso” also paralleled Dolores’ evolution with William’s, as both of them drew blood here in particularly efficient, ruthless ways – all while becoming more bonded to one another.

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Ash vs Evil Dead: "Confinement" Review

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Warning: Full spoilers for the episode below.

Sadistically skinning people and wearing their hide as disguises aside, this week's formal introduction of Baal, a demon overlord played by Joel Tobeck, felt a bit lacking. Mostly, this bereft feeling came whenever he was physically present. He just didn't give off a "big bad" presence - especially that of a master seducer.

Yes, I know that Baal's powers of seduction stem from his supernatural abilities, but you still want your chaotic Casanovas to have a certain swagger and he, so far, just doesn't fit the mold. I guess we'll have to see what other tricks he can throw at our heroes because this week he kind of used them all up. Magical mind control, bloody human husks as camouflage - it all went down inside the town police precinct and, for the most part, Team Ghostbeaters got the drop on him.

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Friday 28 October 2016

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Review

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Die-hard Dragon Ball Z fans finally have a game to feel good about. It might stumble a bit along the way with some odd design choices and rough edges, but Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2’s mix of fan service, fast-paced arena brawling, and long-term questing and progression scratch a long-standing itch for series fans.

The unique and ambitious concept of the Xenoverse series really sets it apart from the rank and file of licensed anime games. It’s a three-dimensional arena brawler seated within an MMO-lite structure, which provides both the immediate fun of DBZs big battles and a broader experience of being a new Dragon Ball character that inhabits the same universe and grows gradually in power over time, just like the franchise’s greatest heroes.

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Thursday 27 October 2016

DC's Legends of Tomorrow: "Shogun" Review

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Warning: Full spoilers for the episode below.

Legends of Tomorrow really hit the ground running this season, with the first two episodes making a strong case for the idea that Legends has become the best of The CW’s DC lineup. But that claim might be a little premature. “Shogun” served as a perfectly enjoyable new installment, but it didn’t do much to continue the momentum of the previous two weeks.

Last season’s “The Magnificent Eight” delivered an enjoyable homage to Westerns in general and The Magnificent Seven in particular. But as The Magnificent Seven is just a Wild West-themed remake of Akira Kurosawa’s The Seven Samurai, perhaps it’s only proper that Legends go back to the original source material. “Shogun” was very much in line with “The Magnificent Eight,” focusing equally on the Legends as they adjusted to life in Feudal Japan and culminated with them defending a village from an attack by ruthless samurai.

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Trolls Review

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There is zero subtlety at play here but if you don’t get at least some enjoyment out of Trolls then you’re probably dead inside. Admittedly, at times it feels like it has glitter running through its veins and is so sweet that it’s amazing the audience don’t get diabetes. However, if you let the cynicism and cine-snobbery go, there is a hell of a lot to enjoy.

Trolls comes from the creators of Shrek. Both movies have their heart in a similar place and have similar themes of friendship, family, love and positive self-image but Shrek is a more nuanced family film that felt less like it was making a bee line for your merchandise dollars. The issue here is that Trolls also gives off a needy vibe that it not only desperately wants to be your kid's new favorite film but also a franchise. That said, you can forgive that because it is impossible not to lap up every gleeful, peppy and twee second.

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Wednesday 26 October 2016

Saga #39 Review

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With a narrative as complex as Saga’s, progression options are limited. It usually happens one of two ways - either the book focuses on pushing a particular storyline forward at the cost of others, or equal time is spread across the collective narrative, albeit at a slower pace. Issue #39 ends up going with the latter, Fiona Staples and Brian K. Vaughan allowing events of the past to settle as threats of the present inch ever closer.

This arc, as much as any other, has been Hazel’s story, and in that regard issue #39 does a solid job of further exploring the character’s state of mind. At first glance the relatively quick way in which the story moves past Isabel reads a bit heartless, but Vaughan has his reasons. It’s actually a great character move on his part, imbuing the adult characters with naïve optimism as the young Hazel moves right into cool acceptance. That maturity continues with Hazel’s conversation with Ferdie, where she and the young meerkat-boy share their views on love and the afterlife. With all the fantastical happenings of this series it’s easy to forget just how much of Hazel’s childhood has been stripped away. She’s worldly and wise beyond her years, shaped by events she has no control over. Given the increased attention this arc on the war between the people whose blood she shares, it’s easy to see that focus continuing as we move forward.

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South Park: "Fort Collins" Review

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Warning: Full spoilers for the episode below.

All the pieces are falling into place as South Park's twentieth season moves towards its big climax. This week's episode might just be the best of the season so far. It continued to build on various ongoing plot threads while finally making Cartman a more active and amusing participant for a change.

And not a moment too soon. The Cartman/Heidi subplot has easily been the weakest element of the season, mainly hinging on Cartman's played out "Women are funny" shtick and the saccharine sweet nature of their romance. It's an odd status quo for a character who's so often the driving force of the show, or its main villain, or both. But finally, Cartman was shaken out of his post-Twitter bliss by the realization that he stands to lose as much as anyone when the Danish expose the world's online trolls. I think the episode could have found a funnier moment to flash back to than Cartman's surprisingly tame takedown of the Ghostbusters reboot, but no doubt he has far worse skeletons in his closet just waiting for Heidi to discover.

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Arrow: "Penance" Review

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Warning: Full spoilers for the episode below.

Nearly every new TV series needs at least a few episodes before it starts settling into a proper groove. And even though Arrow hardly qualifies as new, the revamped status quo and expanded cast this season do create their own new challenges. This season has struggled to find a clear sense of focus so far, and “Penance” marks the point where the pieces finally seem to be falling into place.

It definitely helped that “Penance” was able to more elegantly juggle that large ensemble cast. The conflict was split along two main fronts this week, with Ollie and Lyla working to bust Diggle out of military prison on one end and the rest of Team Arrow dealing with the return of Tobias Church on the other. Other than the flashbacks and the minor subplot involving Felicity and Rory, there wasn’t much to get in the way of those two main threads.

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What Did You Think of Tonight's American Horror Story?

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The review for American Horror Story: Roanoke's "Chapter 7" will be up at a later time. In the meantime, share your thoughts...

Matt Fowler is a writer for IGN and a member of the Television Critics Association (TCA). Follow him on Twitter at @TheMattFowler and Facebook at

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Call of Duty: Zombies #1 Review

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Video game adaptations have a spotty track record in the comic book medium. That's to say nothing of the fact that zombie comics are a dime a dozen. So that's two strikes against Call of Duty: Zombies before the series even begins. But as always, the trick is in finding the right creative team to bring these adaptations to life. And that's exactly where Call of Duty: Zombies succeeds.

This mini-series hearkens back to Call of Duty: Black Ops II's zombie mode, focusing on Dr. Richtofen and his four zombie-slaying minions. The comic doesn't directly adapt the game's storyline, but instead tells a side-story featuring that familiar cast. The result isn't a particularly deep comic. As with most zombie stories, survival is the name of the game, and there's plenty of character banter and gore along the way. The characters themselves are fairly two-dimensional and archetypal. Misty is the cocky hotshot. Marlton is the nerdy scientist. Stuhlinger is the grizzled veteran. And so on. But at least it's readily accessible regardless of your familiarity with the game.

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Sid Meier's Civilization VI Review

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Every game in the legendary, 25-year-old Sid Meier’s Civilization 4X strategy series puts a new spin on the grand concept of taking a nation from a single nomadic tribe to a world-dominating superpower, one turn at a time. In that way Civilization VI looks familiar, but it’s loaded with some very smart and bold improvements that give it new levels of depth. Once I get absorbed into a campaign it becomes so engrossing it’s difficult to think about anything else.

Under its colorful, cartography-inspired art style and varied, stirring music that swells to accent what you’re doing and in what era you’re doing it, Civilization VI is crammed with an almost overwhelming number of systems. It’s got trade, it’s got religion, it’s got espionage, it’s got Great People, it’s got archeology, it’s got the kitchen sink. For the most part, that’s awesome because there are so many chances to build out your nation in different ways to take advantage of opportunities on its randomly generated maps and pursue the different victory types, and it’s all baked in at the ground level so that things like trade routes don’t feel tacked on and optional (they are, in fact, the only way to build roads in the early game). This feels like a Civ game that’s already had two expansions.

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Suicide Squad #5 Review

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This new series is continuing its trend of delivering flawed odd-numbered issues followed by stronger even-numbered issues. The consistency to that lack of consistency is becoming frustrating. But even in its lesser moments, this relaunched series is head and shoulders above what came before.

The main story in this issue serves as a transitional tale, as the team returns to Belle Reve and regroups following the disastrous mission in Russia. That doesn't do much to keep the book's momentum high, but Rob Williams does deliver some strong character moments in this issue. The highlight is easily the interaction between Killer Croc and Enchantress, as each finds an unlikely kindred spirit in the other. There's also some much-needed development for Hack, and even a suggestion that General Zod has a more lasting and significant role to play in the series. As heavily as the comic is drawing from the recent movie, it's always good to see evidence that the series is trying to build its own voice and identity.

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Star Wars #24 Review

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Star Wars #23 took the series in a slightly sillier direction, as Han and Leia took a break from their latest Rebel mission to work through some serious sexual tension. This issue shifts the book back into darker territory, however, as Sergeant Kreel and his SCAR Troopers finally launch their attack against the Rebels. In the process, the series shifts from comedy mode to something more action and horror-driven. As always, it's nice to see that writer Jason Aaron can bring such a versatile approach to Star Wars.

Aaron and artist Jorge Molina basically take the Jaws approach with this issue - show as little of the enemy as possible and leave readers to imagine the carnage of battle. Kreel and his soldiers remain off page for much of this issue. Instead, the focus remains on Luke, Leia and the others as they slowly come to grips with the deadly enemy that lurks among them. It's a far more effective method of reintroducing the SCAR Troopers than simply jumping right into a firefight. It establishes them as a legitimate threat far above and beyond the usual breed of Imperial soldier. And by the time Luke and Kreel begin their rematch, the payoff is that much stronger.

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Clockwork Empires Review

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The grass and rocks outside our humble settlement appear to be singing, and Enoch Coppercowl, my chief cook, doesn't care for it. I've sent out some of the new workers to clear the brush away in an attempt to quiet it, but they're taking their sweet time and poor Enoch just can't handle it. Right as he's lugging the first meat he's ever cooked over to the community stockpile, the madness takes him and he drops the meat and runs babbling into the woods.

And that's how it goes in Clockwork Empires. It's a colony-building simulation that's at its most interesting when the comfy clockwork of daily life gets jammed and things go almost literally to Hell. If it weren't so dull and cumbersome the rest of the time, I could lose myself in it for months.

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Teen Titans #1 Review

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Forget Superman, Green Lantern or Wonder Woman. The Teen Titans were the heroes most in need of some DC Rebirth magic. This franchise's woes predate the New 52 by several years, and too often it's seemed as though animation is the only area where the Titans can still thrive. But the relaunched Teen Titans series serves as yet more proof that all a franchise needs to turn itself around is the right creative team.

Teen Titans #1 picks up immediately where the Rebirth one-shot left off, with Damian Wayne kidnapping Starfire, Beast Boy, Raven and Kid Flash and essentially forcing them to form a new Titans squad. Right away, that makes for an entertaining and dysfunctional dynamic. And as much as this new series succeeds in hearkening back to a more classic Titans era with its slimmed down roster, the fact that it features Damian rather than Tim Drake makes all the difference. Percy catches the Damian baton from Pete Tomasi and Patrick Gleason and immediately runs with it. Not only is Damian an entertaining lead, but the emphasis on his 13th birthday and Damian confronting his impending adulthood gives him a compelling arc to follow.

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Civil War II #6 Review

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Had things gone according to the original plan, this issue would have served as the penultimate chapter of Civil War II, and it also would have been released weeks ago. Neither of those facts does anything to make up for the general sense of malaise surrounding the series. Civil War II isn't living up to its promise, and having such a slow, uneventful chapter this close to the finale only exacerbates the situation.

Civil War #6 mainly concerns itself with the fallout from issue #5 and Ulysses' vision of Spider-Man killing Captain America in the ruins of Washington DC. Naturally, no one among the Avengers is happy to bear witness to such a dark prophecy, least of all Miles himself. To his credit, Brian Bendis does deliver some solid characterization in this issue. There's a great scene early on as Cap comforts the hysterical Miles, proving that Hydra can't stamp out Steve Rogers' fundamental decency and ability to inspire. And there are other memorable moments as Miles continues to react to this awful news and the various Avengers begin to consider the consequences of their recent actions and whether Ulysses' visions are still worth fighting for.

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Tuesday 25 October 2016

The Flash: "The New Rogues" Review

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Warning: Full spoilers for the episode below.

As much as I love this series, the thing that’s always bugged me the most about The Flash (apart from the eternally nagging question of how the STAR Labs prisoners eat or go to the bathroom) is that it’s never given the Flash Rogues their full due. Characters like Captain Cold or Weather Wizard are used as villains of the week, but never as major, overarching villains in the vein of Reverse-Flash or Zoom. The show has a real preoccupation with speedsters. “The New Rogues” introduced two new villains into the fold, but it did nothing to suggest that The Flash’s approach to these characters will change in Season 3.

This week marked the debut of both Mirror Master (Friday Night Lights' Grey Damon) and Top (Awkward's Ashley Rickards). The duo were basically presented as Central City’s answer to Bonnie and Clyde, right down to the very retro-flavored wardrobe. The costume designs were a nice touch, even if I wanted to reach into the TV and scream at Scudder to put some damned socks on. They were a welcome change of pace from the usual supervillain attire.

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Agents of SHIELD: "Lockup" Review

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Full spoilers for Marvel's Agents of SHIELD continue below.

Trouble is brewing on Agents of SHIELD, as both the Darkhold and Eli Morrow were dusted off and brought back out into the world during the events of "Lockup." But the real trouble brewing could be the new Director of SHIELD, who proved to be not quite as trustworthy as he first appeared.

It's easy to get focused on the plot details of this series, but the real star of the show in Season 4 has proved to be the incredible fight choreography. The big fight centerpiece of "Lockup" was in the prison, with Daisy and Robbie fighting alongside May, Coulson, Mack and the rest of their SHIELD team. This was the highlight of the episode as the group went through to try to protect Eli from Lucy -- though of course that wasn't very successful.

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Batman: The Telltale Series Episode 3: New World Order Review

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Episode three of Telltale’s Batman series focuses on intense, seemingly disastrous decisions. Even though it’s become clear that we’re more observing Bruce Wayne’s story than having a meaningful impact on how it turns out, the tension is still real: all of the political and personal relationships introduced in the first two episodes and Bruce’s once-prestigious public image seem as though they might shatter under one slightly under-calculated dialogue choice and the stress of this multi-faceted journey lasts the entire episode.

Especially for the most dedicated Batman fans, episode three - titled “New World Order” - continues and heightens the series’ trend of offering unexpected new takes on well-known DC characters, offering unpredictable conflicts with brutal twists that had me feeling helpless to save everyone. Bruce Wayne’s professional relationships and friendships alike are challenged and tested in ways that are relatable, too, with writing that successfully and subtly elaborates on character traits and motives with each interaction, adding layer upon layer of consequence.

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World of Final Fantasy Review

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For the past several years, Square Enix has released a landslide of Final Fantasy spin-offs with varying success: toe-tapping rhythm adventures, adrenaline-fueled fighters, and some forgettable mobile titles. Adding to the list is the cute-as-can-be World of Final Fantasy, a warm and fuzzy blend of nostalgic turn-based combat and monster stacking that had me alternately squealing with delight and sighing with boredom throughout the more than 60-hour campaign.

Let’s cut right to the chase: this is the cutest Final Fantasy I’ve ever played, and I’ve played just about all of them. The vertically arranged world of Grymoire is filled to the brim with pixie-sized NPCs and cuddly, shrink-wrapped versions of Final Fantasy monsters like baby Behemoths and onsie-wearing Tonberries. Amplifying the sugary sweetness are Lann and Renn, an energetic pair of apple-cheeked twin heroes who spout pun-filled dialogue as they zigzag up and down a chain of floating islands collecting special monsters called Mirages. Their light-hearted banter imbues the increasingly bizarre story about a time divergence that could either save or doom the world with some much-needed humor. Silly 2D animation interspersed with quirky CGI cutscenes are also a welcome bit of fun. If nothing else, World of Final Fantasy has oodles of charm.  

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Rigs: Mechanized Combat League Review

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Rigs: Mechanized Combat League delivers the exciting promise of big mech suits playing sports despite some stiff animations and rough visuals. The immersion can be a little too intense for some, but Rigs still manages to use VR in a smart way - making aiming and movement in its multi-tiered maps feel fluid. Ultimately, it successfully made me feel like a superstar cyber athlete even though I was sitting on the couch the whole time. But if you want to play competitively in online matches against other humans, the slow matchmaking and long load times might erode your interest.

Simple controls make Rigs easy to pick up and play. The Dualshock handles most of the mech’s movements and is a comfortable way for FPS veterans to jump, strafe, and start shooting their way through skirmishes. The only major adjustment you have to come to terms with is the PlayStation VR headset, which defaults to using your head like a right analog stick for looking and aiming. Rigs gives you the option to switch, and I preferred turning using the right stick since using my head to control the direction I was moving didn’t feel natural at first. Even with the modified setup, I often felt the edges of the cockpit UI were in my way when I lined up some of my shots.

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Monday 24 October 2016

Supergirl: "Welcome to Earth" Review

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Warning: Full spoilers for the episode below.

Supergirl’s second season has gotten off to a great start, but there’s no denying that so much of that early success is thanks to the debut of Tyler Hoechlin’s Superman. “Welcome to Earth” served as an important test for the new season. Can the show still thrive when it doesn’t have the terrific dynamic between the super-cousins to fall back on? Despite its flaws, this episode offered a resounding "Yes."

It certainly helped that the show added several new characters to make up for the departure of Superman. The most noteworthy of those being Wonder Woman herself, Lynda Carter, as President Olivia Marsdin. It’s always been great to see the Arrow-verse shows honor the contributions of earlier DC TV actors, and it’s tough to picture a more fitting candidate for the job of Madame President.

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Gotham: "Follow the White Rabbit" Review

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Warning: Full spoilers for the episode below.

Gotham rebounded this week with its best episode since Season 2's "Mad Grey Dawn." This series can easily get bogged down in ridiculousness, but it seems to be at its strongest when torturing Jim Gordon and putting him through an extremely dark emotional wringer. Here, thanks to the murderous return of Mad Hatter, Gordon faced down a little bit of Killing Joke and a little bit of - well - the end of Batman Forever when Riddler tried to force Batman to choose between Robin and Chase.

Over in the B story, Penguin WAS IN LOVE WITH RIDDLER! Man, that was so great. No, nothing was resolved this week so it's still "Will They?/Won't They?" (or even "Does Ed like Oswald back?"), but I'm so happy they decided to turn this into an actual love connection/romance and not a "bromance." Because this show could easily just tease a deeper connection between these two for years and never pay it off. Last week's missed kiss and longing hug felt like a big cop out, though now we know it actually did mean something huge to one of them.

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Star Wars Rebels: New Clip Shows Sabine Cornered!

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In an all new episode of Star Wars Rebels, "Imperial Super Commandos" -- airing Saturday, November 5th -- Sabine and Ezra find themselves surrounded on all sides, confronted by a traitorous Mandalorian who seems to know all about Sabine's family history.

Check out this new clip from the episode, along with the image gallery below it, as Sabine is given a choice: surrender or die.

The official summary for "Imperial Super Commandos" reads:

Having lost contact with the Protectors of Concord Dawn, Sabine, Ezra and their captured leader Fenn Rau investigate, but find the base has been taken over by Imperial Mandalorians.

Star Wars Rebels' "Imperial Super Commandos" airs Saturday, November 5th on Disney XD.

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Titanfall 2 Review In Progress

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When Respawn Entertainment first showed off its concept for Titanfall and hinted at a single- and multiplayer first-person shooter full of acrobatic action and towering robot warriors that could rival Call of Duty, Titanfall 2 is the game that I wanted to play. Respawn has doubled down on its compelling formula of breakneck movement and grandiose scale, tapping the vein of those literal and figurative explosive moments that we brag about afterwards. And this time around, the first game’s lacking single-player component has been addressed with admirable results, offering an engaging trek through a universe that was begging to be fleshed out.

In this review in progress we’re looking at Titanfall 2’s single-player campaign, which is centered on an unlikely duo and unfolds through supercharged if straightforward shooting and imaginative platforming. Multiplayer impressions will follow when the servers turn on this week and I’ve had time to put some hours into them.

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Sunday 23 October 2016

The Strain: "Do or Die" Review

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Warning: Full spoilers for the episode below.

There's still one episode left to go this season, but "Do or Die" could easily have worked as The Strain's Season 3 finale. It was certainly an eventful chapter, shaking up the status quo yet again and bidding farewell to several long-running characters. The fact that so much happened this week really begs the question of what bombshell the show has in store for fans in the actual finale.

It didn't hurt that "Do or Die" was such an Eldritch Palmer-centric episode. Palmer has always been one of the most fascinating and morally ambiguous characters on the show, and that certainly hasn't changed this year. Here, Palmer finally threw caution to the wind and openly betrayed the Master. In the process, the episode delivered a cool shootout scene and an answer to the ongoing mystery of just what was inside that crate the Master rushed in from Egypt. As it turns out, it wasn't a sarcophagus containing one of the Ancients. If we learned anything from "White Light," last week, it's that the Master would rather destroy his siblings than form alliances with them. Instead, the crate contained two suitcase nukes, one of which was already used to devastating effect. I do think this reveal would have had more impact if it had come before the climax of "White Light," but it still raises a number of interesting questions. Namely, what plan did the Master have for the other nuke, and how does Palmer intend to use it now?

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What Did You Think of The Walking Dead Season 7 Premiere?

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Who did Negan kill? What did you think of the choice? While I work on the review, share your thoughts...

Matt Fowler is a writer for IGN and a member of the Television Critics Association (TCA). Follow him on Twitter at @TheMattFowler and Facebook at

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Westworld: "Dissonance Theory" Review

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Warning: Full spoilers for the episode below.

Hey, did you know Anthony Hopkins can be really, really scary?

Well, of course you do, but I love how Westworld took a few episodes to show Ford going to that scary place and for Hopkins to turn up his inner-Lecter. Oh, he wasn’t killing or eating anyone, but man was he scary and intimidating in that scene with Theresa.

While I’d noted Ford was obviously not seeing the Hosts in the more humane way Bernard (and others) were, he still felt like a fairly benevolent, albeit eccentric, figure up until now. But here he was in full threat mode, as he flat out told Theresa, “Don’t get in my way,” while revealing he had way more knowledge about what was going on at Westworld that it appeared – including Theresa’s current affair with Bernard and even her childhood experiences at the park, as he had purposely sat them at the same table she’d eaten at with her parents. Creepy.

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Ash vs Evil Dead: "DUI" Review

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Warning: Full spoilers for the episode below.


"Pennzoil Platinum. Hello, baby."

"DUI" was a ferocious, action-packed episode that felt like it closed out a four-episode mini arc for the season. With Ruby and Kelly killing the "children," Ash getting revenge on the Delta 88 for killing his father (using Brock's bull-riding words to help stay atop the car!) and Pablo finally having a confrontation with the Necronomicon, this one snipped off some story threads so that we could get to Baal - who exploded from the hell portal right at the end.

I don't think this means Ash will be leaving Elk Grove or that there's a change of setting coming, but with Baal in the picture -- as this franchise's first true "big bad" -- the show's entering new territory. The book is gone as the goal and now there's an actual character coming to take its place - a target for Ash's saw and boomstick.

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Doctor Strange Review

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The latest Marvel Cinematic Universe movie (Welcome to MCU: Part 14!), Doctor Strange is a bit of a contradiction, feeling both very familiar yet also very different from what has come before. Structurally, it’s another basic superhero origin story, but on the other hand, it’s going into a trippier, more psychedelic place than any comic book movie has before.

Benedict Cumberbatch stars as the title character, the brilliant but arrogant surgeon Doctor Stephen Strange. After Strange gets in a car accident, his hands are mangled, putting an end to his career – something he refuses to accept, as he burns through his money trying every experimental surgical technique possible to repair his body. With no medical procedure able to help him, the desperate doctor turns to other avenues and a journey to a place called Kamar-Taj, where he is led to believe he will find a more spiritual manner to restore his life to what it once was.

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Saturday 22 October 2016

Star Wars Rebels: "The Last Battle" Review

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Obviously, mileage will vary greatly for this episode depending how much you care about or have nostalgia for anything to do with both the prequel era or, of course, Star Wars: The Clone Wars. There was certainly a meta aspect occurring here too and the idea of how the war never ended for some – reflecting how The Clone Wars, the series, never got a proper ending, given it was cancelled before the intended final episodes were completed.

All of which is to say this was a poignant installment that managed to bring in some major Clone Wars elements (most notably, Battle Droids!) while telling a story about two old soldiers – Rex and, interestingly, that Super Tactical Droid – both coming to terms with their past and present.

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Friday 21 October 2016

Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency Premiere Review

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A missing girl. A broke bellhop. A psychotic landlord. A wandering dog. The world of Dirk Gently is one of inapparent interconnectedness, where everything means something - even nothing.

Max Landis' new adaptation of the books from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy creator Douglas Adams (which already got a page-to-screen treatment in the UK a few years back, starring Stephen Mangan) lands on BBC America this Saturday, October 22nd, with an original story and not one actually based on either of the two novels. Instead of trying to transfer/adapt/reconfigure one of those stories, Landis (Chronicle, American Ultra) opted instead to create a new world, and characters, for the series, with rumors of perhaps some of it borrowing from Adams' unfinished third Dirk book.

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In a Valley of Violence Review

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In a Valley of Violence is only the second time that Ti West has directed a non-horror movie. However, there is a dark and humorous heart beating at the center of this Blumhouse Productions film. From the revenge theme to the insanely effective Jeff Grace score to the gory visuals, this is an absolute treat.

The story isn’t a complex one. Ethan Hawke plays Paul, a mysterious drifter who’s heading for Mexico with his dog through the deserts of the Wild West. But things go wrong when he decides to take a shortcut through Denton, a former mining town on its knees and dubbed the titular Valley of Violence. Marshal Clyde Martin, played by John Travolta, runs the place with his band of violent goons which includes his son, Gilly, played by a moderately hammy James Ransone. Paul makes something of an impact on the place and then leaves, but that’s not the end of it for Gilly who decides to take matters into his own hands, attacking Paul at night, killing his dog and leaving the drifter for dead. That’s a big mistake that they live, for a little while, to regret.

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Supergirl: See Martian Manhunter Meet Miss Martian

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On Supergirl, J'onn J'onzz (David Harewood) has thought of himself as the last survivor of his people, but some big surprises may be in store for Martian Manhunter in the next episode.

Sharon Leal makes her first appearance in the next episode none other than DC Comics' Miss Martian and in IGN's exclusive new clip, J'onn meets Leal's character for the first time, only for her to strike him as quite familiar - although she looks decidedly human at the time. Of course, she is working at a bar for frequented by refugee aliens, so it's likely her true nature will be revealed soon enough...

Supergirl: "Welcome to Earth" airs Monday, October 24th on the CW.

Eric Goldman is Executive Editor of IGN TV. You can follow him on Twitter at @TheEricGoldman, IGN at ericgoldman-ign and Facebook at

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Thursday 20 October 2016

What Did You Think of Tonight's Legends of Tomorrow?

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This week, Legends of Tomorrow made a huge addition to the Arrow-verse as it introduced the WWII-era superhero team the Justice Society of America. Viewers got their first taste of heroes like Stargirl, Dr. Mid-Nite and Obsidian, along with the return of Rex Tyler and an all-new version of Vixen.

We'll have our review of "The Justice Society of America" up a bit later tonight. Until then, let us know your thoughts on the new episode in the comments below.

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Jack Reacher: Never Go Back Review

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With all of the iconic characters that he’s portrayed onscreen, it’s inevitable that some of Tom Cruise’s many movie action heroes might not land or become quite as memorable as some of the others. For every Ethan Hunt, there’s a Jack Reacher lying around somewhere, a character based on the popular Lee Child books who brings out a much quirkier, more intense, and often more absurd version of Cruise’s tough guy persona. For better, or for worse.

Now, Cruise is returning as Reacher on screen this week in Jack Reacher: Never Go Back, which finds the “ex-Major” once again taking justice into his own hands when Major Turner (Cobie Smulders), a female military leader who he’s taken a fondness to, is arrested under mysterious circumstances that hint at a conspiracy or cover-up going on within the military. At the same time, Reacher also learns that he may be a father to a daughter he never met -- a 15-year-old living on her own out of foster care -- and searches for the girl in the hopes of finding out the truth behind their relationship.

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100ft Robot Golf Review

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Problems number one and two are that 100ft Robot Golf is neither a good golf game nor a good giant-robot game. Problem number three is that its PlayStation VR mode actually makes it worse. Throw in bad graphics, limited gameplay options, and an attempt at cheesy humor that forgets the humor part and you’ve got one of PSVR’s more forgettable games.

To its credit, 100ft Robot Golf takes its clever premise – an anime-style far future where the once-popular sport of giant robot golf is making a televised comeback – and attempts to build a full-blown 2 to 3-hour campaign around it, complete with a fleshed-out storyline and a large cast of characters. It’s all told through badly dubbed anime-style cutscenes, but the cheese is intentional and delivered by a voice cast of amateur actors that includes game developers and podcasters.

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Driveclub VR Review

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Unlike a lot of VR projects at this early stage for the technology, Driveclub VR is a proper, full-fat game. It’s not a low calorie, 25-minute “experience”, or a glorified tech demo; it’s a content-rich racer packed with plenty of courses and cars, and hours and hours of solo and multiplayer racing. Unfortunately the trip from standard screens to PSVR has stripped Driveclub of most of what it does best – notably its cutting-edge visuals and weather effects – and the vast bulk of its content already exists in the 2014 original. I firmly believe VR is an incredible way to play racing games, but it’s not really the best way to play Driveclub.

Driveclub VR’s first big sin is its surprising separation from the original Driveclub. While it recycles from the standard version of Driveclub heavily, even cribbing its intro vignette, everyone starts from scratch in Driveclub VR. Driveclub VR seems to dole out cars quicker as you level up but they’re still mostly locked from use from the outset, regardless of how far you’ve progressed in the original. This means plenty of unnecessary slogging for Driveclub veterans. My patience definitely grew thin treading over such similar ground, especially with the drift events which (despite how admirably and significantly Driveclub improved following its botched release) still favour speed over style, and still suffer for it.

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Keeping Up with the Joneses Review

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It’s been five years since Greg Mottola’s last feature film, Paul, and after making a name for himself with strong, relatable comedies like Adventureland and Superbad, the filmmaker has returned this year with his latest effort in Keeping Up with the Joneses. Featuring a strong ensemble cast including Gal Gadot, Jon Hamm, Zach Galifianakis, and Isla Fisher, Mottola’s latest film is a fairly by-the-numbers and predictable comedy, which will likely prove to be a bit of a disappointment for fans of his previous work.

Keeping Up with the Joneses follows Karen and Jeff Gaffney, played by Galifianakis and Fisher, a comfortable married couple living in a typical suburban cul-de-sac celebrating the first summer without their kids, who are away at summer camp. The Gaffneys’ lives are shaken up when Tim and Natalie Jones (Gadot and Hamm) move in across the street, a perfect, attractive, and adventurous married couple who quickly grow close to the Gaffneys, though Karen’s suspicions that the Joneses may not be who they say they are continues the closer they get to them.

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Dark Souls 3: Ashes of Ariandel Review

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There’s something for every Dark Souls 3 fan to enjoy in Ashes of Ariandel, the first of two planned DLC packs. There’s a brand-new icy land to explore, new weapons, armor, and spells of almost every type that are sure to please no matter what skills your character favors. Exactly how long that enjoyment lasts, however, may depend on whether you enjoy fighting players over bosses.

In this expansion, you will journey to a land quite familiar to and yet altogether different from the Painted World of Ariamis of Dark Souls 1. Despite being able to access the new area early on, don’t expect this new Painted World of Ariandel to pull any punches, even if you’ve already beaten the final boss of Dark Souls 3. Enemies here are both diverse and deadly, and able to deal incredible damage. More than ever, learning their attack patterns quickly is key to survival. The Millwood Knights – hulking, Viking-inspired men who wander the forests – are able to explode the ground around you with their unique weapons, and they hit like trucks. On the other hand, the wolves of Ariandel may not look imposing, but their ability to rally huge packs to their location with a howl will have you quickly beset on all sides.

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Wednesday 19 October 2016

South Park: "Douche and a Danish" Review

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Warning: Full spoilers for the episode below.

It used to be standard practice for each season of South Park to feature a single two or three-episode story arc inserted into the middle of a block of standalone episodes. But with Season 20, there are no more standalone episodes. Each new chapter is feeding into a larger story involving the trolling of Denmark, the rise and fall of Mr. Garrison's Presidential campaign and the civil war between boys and girls at South Park Elementary. As much as it would be nice to see a little more variety from this season, it's fun seeing these disparate threads start to weave together.

After taking some time off, Mr. Garrison returned to the forefront this week, still desperate to find a way to tank his campaign and avoid the responsibilities of actually being President. The solution was simple - focus all his energy on insulting women rather than deploying his usual anti-immigrant rhetoric. And it worked. Clearly, Trey Parker and Matt Stone were having their say about *that* infamous Donald Trump tape and the damage his campaign has suffered in recent weeks. They basically recast Garrison as an Andrew Dice Clay-esque stand-up comic. It was an amusing and eloquent way of pointing out the hypocrisy of the recent Trump backlash. These former supporters were fine with all the offensive remarks made about Muslims, Mexicans, African Americans and other minorities, but once white women become a target suddenly a line has been crossed?

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What Did You Think of Tonight's American Horror Story?

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Tonight's episode of American Horror Story: Roanoke shifted the season in a new direction. While I work on the review, share your thoughts...

Matt Fowler is a writer for IGN and a member of the Television Critics Association (TCA). Follow him on Twitter at @TheMattFowler and Facebook at

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Arrow: "A Matter of Trust" Review

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Warning: Full spoilers for the episode below.

It’s fitting that trust and accountability were such central themes in this week’s Arrow. The show has a long way to go when it comes to winning back the trust of viewers who feel jilted by Season 4. So far Arrow hasn’t done enough to right the ship in Season 5, but “A Matter of Trust” at least suggests that it’s making progress. Hopefully we’ll get there before too long.

With both Prometheus and Tobias Church absent this week, it’s clear that the early portion of this season is being devoted towards building up the new Team Arrow and molding them into an effective fighting force. This episode made some solid strides in that regard. I still feel the writers would have been better off introducing the new Team Arrow players one by one (in the vein of Ragman’s introduction last week). But at least here we got to see the full team in action and some deeper emotional drama play out in terms of Ollie’s anger at Rene and Felicity’s guilt over indirectly vaporizing Rory’s family.

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Lethal Weapon: "Split Milk" Review

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Warning: Full spoilers for the episode below.

I don't exactly know what Lethal Weapon will become as a series once Riggs and Murtaugh fully bond and develop a strong, meaningful friendship, but the journey to get there is quite enjoyable. This week, thanks to a strong performance by guest star Michael Raymond-James (Terriers, True Blood), the show delivered its best episode yet.

A violent case involving a clinical drug trial gone wrong caused most everyone around Riggs focus in more on his PTSD and overt risk-taking. This went beyond his more recent grief over his wife's death and dealt more with his time as a SEAL and whether or not he ever sought the proper counseling when he returned home from overseas. It also made Murtaugh realize just how little he knew about his new partner. Granted, there should be a "getting to know you" buffer for new pairings, but Riggs' crazy behavior shines a bright light on the fact that people know little about his mysterious backstory.

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Injustice: Year Five #20 Review

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Who would have thought when DC first started publishing their Injustice: Gods Among Us prequel comic that the series would eventually span several years, five volumes and hundreds of digital chapters by the time it finally concluded? This series certainly ranks among the most comprehensive prequels ever conceived. But there's a reason this comic has proven so popular over the years, and that appeal remains in the series finale.

Issue #20 carries Injustice: Year Five right up to the events of the game. Writer Brian Buccellato creates a tense "ticking clock" situation as Batman and Luthor struggle to bring the alternate universe Justice League into their world even as a vengeful Superman finally discovers Batman's hidden fortress. Even though the outcome of this battle is preordained, Buccellato has no trouble generating plenty of suspense along the way.

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Black Mirror: Season 3 Review

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This is a review for all six new episodes of Black Mirror, debuting Friday, October 21st on Netflix. There won't be any discussion of deep spoilers for any episode though, so as to not ruin story elements. 

Now a Netflix original series, Charlie Brooker's thought-provoking, fear-inducing anthology, Black Mirror, is back with a grab bag of new episodes that range from the fundamentally moving to the explicitly terrifying. Not knowing what you're going to get is part of the thrill with Black Mirror - a show whose stories contain the loose connective tissue of how technology and society may be a toxic relationship.

The term "five minutes from now" has been used to describe the worlds on Black Mirror. Future societies, but not too far from the present. It varies though. In some cases, you'll get a wildly different landscape that may be a century away. In others, it pretty much feels like the here and now. You also never quite know what type of tale it'll be as the chapters can take on many different shapes and forms. Plus, depending on the tech involved, there's a discovery process for the viewer. What morbid take on social media are we in for this time? Do these characters have implants of some kind or an unhealthy obsession with their online presence? What's the devilish twist?

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