
Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Cyborg Rebirth #1 Review

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For a brief time, DC had a good thing going with the previous volume of Cyborg. It showcased a promising new writer working alongside a superstar artist, and it delivered an exciting new take on a character who never quite got the attention he deserved during the course of the New 52. Unfortunately, that series quickly lost all its momentum along with that original creative team. And so far, it doesn't appear as if this follow-up book will be able to recapture that momentum.

If nothing else, the new Cyborg certainly boasts a promising creative team. This series pairs Spider-Man: The Animated Series story editor John Semper, Jr. with the ever-versatile Paul Pelletier. Sadly, the two aren't able to work much magic in their first outing. Cyborg Rebirth #1 is an almost painfully straightforward introduction to the character and his world. As Vic faces off with a new villain called Malware, his opponent reflects on Cyborg past and abilities. What follows is a clunky, long-winded recap of Cyborg's New 52 history. It has all the grace and excitement of reading a Wikipedia entry. And it's difficult to see what this approach actually accomplishes. Those familiar with Cyborg will be bored, while those new to the character won't find enough reason to actually care about his ongoing struggle.

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