
Wednesday 24 August 2016

Star Wars #22 Review

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Star Wars #21 introduced readers to the SCAR Troopers, a crack team of Imperial soldiers tasked with bringing down the pesky Rebel Alliance. Issue #22 shifts focus back to those Rebels as they launch a bold attack against the Empire. One would assume that's where the two groups come face-to-face, but apparently readers will have to wait a while for the big rematch between Luke Skywalker and Sergeant Kreel. But while Star Wars has taken on a slightly more episodic feel recently, the simple joy of seeing Han, Luke and Leia in action never gets old.

The idea of a ragtag band of Rebels doing battle with an Imperial fleet might be nothing new, but writer Jason Aaron puts a fun spin on the conflict by having our heroes attempt to steal a Star Destroyer rather than destroy it. That results in a winning blend of familiar Star Wars elements - epic space battles, heroic sacrifices and a steady stream of banter between Han and Leia. It's also satisfying to see Sana remain an active participant in the story. There's only so much Aaron can do to create a sense of danger surrounding characters like Han, so it's important to have a handful of new faces like Sana who can both shake up the familiar character dynamics and leave readers questioning their ultimate fate.

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