
Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Superman: American Alien #6 Review

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Superman: American Alien is less a comprehensive retelling of Superman's origin than it is an examination of an outsider confronting his fears and doubts and slowly finding his place in the world. Issue #6 encapsulates that idea as well as any. In this penultimate chapter Clark has all but solidified his identity as Superman, but a visit from two childhood friends forces him to reevaluate his life and perhaps even grow up a little more. Through it all, writer Max Landis and artist Jonathan Case manage that delicate balancing act when it comes to highlighting Clark's loneliness while still maintaining that hopeful, positive core that define him as a hero.

Clark's superhero antics take a backseat to his friendly banter with Smallville pals Pete Ross and Kenny Braverman as the two pay their old friend a visit and experience life in the big city for the first time. Landis mines a lot of humor out of the divide between the savvy, metropolitan Clark and his two country bumpkin buddies. As young and inexperienced as he still is, there's a sense that Clark is letting his new life go to his head a bit. So what begins as a humorous back-and-forth eventually transitions into a deeper and more heartfelt look at the actions of this nascent Superman. Is he being reckless? Does he fully appreciate the burden he's placed on those few people who know his secret? And why has he chosen to plaster his family crest on his costume despite knowing nothing about his home world? All of these questions are addressed in very satisfying fashion here.

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