
Sunday 4 March 2018

The Walking Dead Tries to Make Us Care About the Scavengers

The latest game news from IGN - one of my fave channels ever - check it out

Warning: Full spoilers for the episode below.

I'll start out with what I really liked about "The Lost and the Plunderers." The final scene. Yes, the emotional walkie-talkie exchange between Rick and Negan and how much Negan was genuinely sad to hear that Carl had died.

It fed really well into all the emotion I felt last week when Negan popped up right at the end of Carl's "dream" community. There are many things to hate about Negan, and many points you can disagree with, but overall he's also someone who you could totally see, with a few tweaks, being a cooperative and loving member of a larger "greater good" community.

And in some aspects, Negan's already that. He is - or at least he thinks he is - serving a greater purpose by forcing people to fall in line. His specific truth is that people cannot be trusted to do the right thing on their own so they have to be herded, almost like walkers, and made to contribute and made to be productive. The somewhat faulty aspect of his rule involves the hierarchy and a system that, sometimes, allows brutal bullies to do some pretty nasty things. Still, Negan's not a homicidal nutter and "The Lost and the Plunderers" did a decent job of splitting him off from someone like - say - Simon. Someone who does want revenge and massive amounts of blood spilled. Negan, despite losing so many, still doesn't want a lot of people do die.

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