
Thursday 28 July 2016

Bad Moms Review

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There is a scene early on in the new comedy Bad Moms, written and directed by Jon Lucas and Scott Moore, where the trio of moms at the center of the film take a drunken trip to the grocery store. It is one of their early acts of defiance, of breaking away from the status quo. It is the moment where the R-rated comedy has a great opportunity to show just how raunchy and over-the-top it is willing to be. Sadly, the grocery store sequence is not terribly funny. It is a misstep from which the film does eventually recover, but which turns out to be one of the many moments that fails to live up to the film's comedic potential and which stops a good movie from being great.

Mila Kunis stars as Amy, a (part-time) working mom who married young and has two kids (Oona Laurence and Emjay Anthony) with her relatively lazy husband, Mike (David Walton). All Amy wants is some peace and quiet; some alone time when she doesn't have to do a homework project or make cookies for a PTA bake sale or avert some sort of work crisis for her boss, Dale (Clark Duke). After she finds her husband having an online affair, Amy boots him out and breaks bad with the help of single mom, Carla (Kathryn Hahn), and stay-at-home mother of four, Kiki (Kristen Bell).

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Wednesday 27 July 2016

Predator vs. Judge Dredd vs. Aliens #1

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When it comes to the Alien and Predator properties, crossovers are nothing new. The titular titans have faced off against everyone from Superman to Archie, leaving an assortment of separated spines and open chest cavities in their wake. With that in mind, John Layman and Chris Mooneyham turn the malleable monsters towards Mega-City One and its barrel-chested lawman, Judge Dredd. The resulting free-for-all proves to be an effortless, if by the numbers, debut, and one sure to appease fans of all the included properties.

With an ain’t-broke-don’t-fix-it approach to storytelling, Layman’s script wastes no time in getting this collision course up and running. In quick succession he introduces all three of the soon-to-be combatants (though the Xenomorph is as of yet a newly resurrected husk), utilizing the machinations of the diabolical Doc Reinstot and his mutated manimals as a means of tying things together. There’s no deep exploration of shared history – though the Predator carries a Xenomorph skull, there’s no mention of Dredd’s previous shared history with the brood. Rather, the debut operates in as clear cut a manner as possible, efficiently presenting the players, the motivations and the conflict.

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Mr. Robot: "eps2.2_init1.asec" Review

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Warning: Full spoilers for the episode below.

The plot thickened this week with mentions of "Operation Berenstain," the return of Whiterose and her mysterious partnership with Price, and Elliot's final surrender to Mr. Robot after realizing that resistance was, indeed, futile.

"eps2.2_init1.asec" had several key moments, all riddled with paranoia and mental distortion. Now that episodes creep across our skin for more than an hour -- yes, these Season 2 chapters are ambitiously hefty and long -- scenes can be as long or short as needed. Hell, they can even gloriously ape the loopiness of Raising Arizona, as with Elliot's dream sequence where he imagined a perfect future filled with both corporate destruction and easy social interaction.

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Captain America: Steve Rogers #3 Review

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The main takeaway from the first three issues of this series is that writer Nick Spencer is playing the long game. Issue #1 introduced the controversial twist about Cap supposedly being a Hydra double agent. Rather than immediately rush into the fallout of that twist and what it means for the Marvel Universe, subsequent issues have taken a step back. How did this startling turn of events come to be? What actually happened to Steve Rogers when his body was restored by Kobik? What is the real connection between Cap and the resurgent Hydra? This issue delves even deeper into those questions. That might disappoint readers hoping for a faster paced story, but the character work in these issues is so strong it's tough to be upset at the methodical pace.

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Nerve Review

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Imagine a movie, aimed at the teen and millennial audience, that captures the zeitgeist of social media and the obsession with internet celebrity. Mix that with a touch of YA genre movies such as The Hunger Games and The Maze Runner with a splash of David Fincher’s The Game and that sounds potentially cool, right? Now, imagine it’s directed by the father of one of the target audience who wants desperately to be cool and set it to a dime-store knockoff blend of the Tron Legacy and Drive soundtracks. That, crushingly disappointingly, is Nerve.

The film focuses on Venus Delmonico, a high school senior, played by Emma Roberts. She’s the boring, studious one in her group of friends – she’s into photography, is awkward with boys and wears jeans, sneakers and a hoodie so she must be, right? Emily, played by Emily Meade, is the exciting leader of the group – she doesn’t wear a bra, she flashes her butt at a school football game etc – and she’s, like, super popular on an online game Nerve where people do dares for money. In Nerve, you’re either a Watcher, you set dares and watch people do them, or a Player, one of the people who take on challenges and increase in risk and value. Venus, or Vee for short because it’s soooo edgy, decides to prove that she’s not so dull and starts playing.

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Quadrilateral Cowboy Review

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Quadrilateral Cowboy doesn’t just wear its charming cyberpunk heart on its sleeve. The fun, retrofuturistic look of its world and characters comes to life thanks to a clever hacking system that lets you put your creativity and problem-solving skills to the test as you pull off increasingly layered heists.

While its best ideas never feel fully explored, it creates some rewarding puzzles out of its compelling, gadget-based cybercrimes that I know I’ll be returning to for many more hours to come.

This weird cyberpunk world combines the clunky, vintage charm of early ‘80s technology with a grungy, futuristic edge. As a hacker for hire, it’s your job to use the amusing contraptions of this imaginary era to plan out virtual heists. This is primarily done by typing out scripts in your portable computer’s command prompt.

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Rom #1 Review

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It's been a long, long wait, but Rom is finally free from limbo and back on the comic stands. Despite having to basically start from scratch in terms of the character's mythology, it's clear this new series has a lot to offer fans of this '80s pop culture icon.

Rom #1 picks up exactly where the recent FCBD special left off. Luckily, if you haven't read that story, it's reprinted in the front of this issue (hence the higher $4.99 price tag). Over the course of that prologue and the first full-length story, writers Christos Gage and Chris Ryall efficiently set up the new status quo for Rom. The basics remain the same. Rom is the greatest champion of the Solstar Order, and he's come to Earth to rid the world of the insidious Dire Wraiths lurking among humanity. It's a clean, straightforward premise that proves equally inviting for fans and newcomers alike.

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International Iron Man #5 Review

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Like its sister series, International Iron Man is a generally decent comic that has a tendency to move much too slow for its own good. It's enough to make you wish the two books were rolled into one. This issue succeeds in setting the stage for a compelling new direction as Tony Stark digs deeper into the mystery of his birth parents. But as for wrapping up the story of Tony's doomed romance with Cassandra Gillespie, it's far less successful. After five issues, it's not clear what this book's actual aim is.

Above all, this issue left me questioning what the point of the Cassandra storyline actually was. Little is accomplished from their present-day reunion. It ends in the same way 90% of modern X-Men stories seem to, with the hero seemingly facing mortal danger and then suddenly pulling a rabbit out of their hat at the eleventh hour. There's no satisfying payoff. No major reveal that promises to tie Cassandra's story to Tony's for the foreseeable future. As interesting as it is to see glimpses of Tony's pre-Iron Man years and his battles with his father, nothing in this issue justifies the amount of time devoted to these extensive flashbacks. They're well-written but ultimately unremarkable.

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Pete's Dragon Review

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Pete's Dragon is a remake in all the right ways, taking cues from the original but reimagining the story for a very different audience living in a very different era. A film for children that isn't afraid to deal with real issues in honest ways, but also steeped in magic and whimsey, the David Lowery-directed movie refrains from hewing too closely to the 1977 live-action and animated musical hybrid of the same name to great success.

The new Disney film rebuilds the story of Pete's Dragon from the ground up. Here, Pete (Oakes Fegley) becomes an orphan after his parents die in a car accident. He lives in the woods for five years with his dragon friend Elliot, a sweet, empathetic beast that is as playful as a puppy but can be as terrifying as his dragon nature promises. One day, a forest ranger named Grace (Bryce Dallas Howard) comes deep enough into the woods that Pete hears her, the first human he's seen in years. He's enamored with her as a mother figure from the start, and when the time comes for him to trust her, he does with limited hesitation.

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Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #1 Review

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Like Green Arrow, Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps proves that it's possible to completely revamp and refresh a comic without changing writers. DC Rebirth has served as exactly the fresh start Robert Venditti needed to refocus his Green Lantern run and course-correct the story of Hal Jordan. Things are looking up in a big way for this franchise.

With the recent Rebirth one-shot bridging the gap between the previous Green Lantern comic and this new series, Venditti is able to dive headlong into his new status quo. What's most impressive about this issue is the way it manages to juggle so many balls at once. On one hand, it serves as a great solo spotlight for the resurgent Hal as he finds himself the lone Lantern in a galaxy controlled by the Sinestro Corps. Coming off the character's less than memorable DC You status quo, this feels much more like the classically bold, defiant Hal readers know and love. But on the other hand, this issue is an equally great showcase for the Sinestro Corps and their inner workings. If we can't have a Sinestro-centric comic anymore, this is the next best option.

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Fallout 4: Vault-Tec Workshop DLC Review

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Creepy sadists of the apocalypse, or those of you just roleplaying as one, your time has come. With electro-torture exercise bikes, spiked soda machines and other fun, twisted devices, Fallout 4’s Vault-Tec Workshop DLC lets you conduct heartless experiments on weary Commonwealth refugees—but only if you want to. For everyone else, this DLC pack offers one of the largest settlement spaces available, as well as a slew of fun and efficient new items to craft.

Vault-Tec is the third workshop DLC for Fallout 4, but it’s the first to include any story-based missions. However, if more post-apocalyptic storytelling is what you’re mainly after, you’re much better off with Far Harbor or Automatron. Vault-Tec’s main string of quests takes only a few hours to complete, and while it does include a few memorable characters, they’re not reason enough to jump in on their own.

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Civil War II #4 Review

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Now that Civil War II is passing the halfway mark (not counting those early prologue issues), it finally feels like this story is shifting into gear. Sides are being chosen, heroes are divided and real conflict is finally brewing. Unfortunately, the series is beginning to suffer from the same characterization problems that hounded the original Civil War.

While issue #4 is every bit as dialogue-driven and exposition-heavy as the previous chapters, writer Brian Bendis and artist David Marquez are able to strike a better balance between exposition and exciting, action-packed imagery. They do this by having Tony Stark relate his arguments to an unseen bystander while simultaneously showcasing Carol Danvers and her allies as they continue their fight to change the future. That approach mostly eliminates the need for talking heads and helps hurry the series' formerly sluggish pace along. And while there are a few places where Bendis' dialogue still comes across as awkward (mainly in various characters' tendency to refer to others by their full, formal names), this back-and-forth, conversational approach is much more suited to his particular voice.

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Creature Designers: The Frankenstein Complex Review

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This film was reviewed at Fantasia Fest and doesn't currently have a release date.

Monsters have always been with us. From ancient man drawing creatures on cave walls to storytellers sharing chilling accounts around camp-fires, monstrous tales have been passed down from generation to generation.

And in the last 100 years, creature features have been one of film’s most popular sub-genres, with Dracula, Frankenstein, The Mummy and The Wolf-Man starring in some of cinema's earliest hits, Godzilla and King Kong having their tales told over-and-over again, and more recent efforts like Alien, The Thing, Gremlins, Hellboy and Cloverfield proving that monsters will always be making audiences scream.

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Tuesday 26 July 2016

MADtv Revival: Premiere Review

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Note: this is a mostly spoiler-free review of the Season 15 premiere of MADtv, which will premiere tonight on The CW at 9pm EST.

One could argue The CW picked the perfect time to revive MADtv (which lasted an impressive 14 seasons on Fox between 1995 and 2009). Rival sketch comedy series Saturday Night Live is not only off the air for the summer, that show has been stuck in one of its mediocre phases for a while now. And with every minute of the current election cycle begging to be lampooned and South Park not returning until September, someone has to carry the torch for quality satire, right? Well, don't expect this series to get the job done. While the new MADtv is more revival than reboot, it fails to recapture any of the show's old spark.

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Phantom Boy Review

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GKIDS’ latest release Phantom Boy is the uniquely drawn noir you’ve been waiting for. In an animated world run by Disney, Pixar, and occasionally Dreamworks, distribution companies like GKIDS (When Marnie Was There, Ernest & Celestine, The Secret of Kells, and more) and directors like Jean-Loup Felicioli and Alain Gagnol are the necessary breath of fresh air that prove there is more than one way to approach this creative category. Nominated in 2010 for their animated feature A Cat in Paris, Felicioli and Gagnol have teamed up again to bring audiences Phantom Boy, the tale of one boy’s journey to become the hero of his own story.

The story is simple. Shortly after being admitted to the hospital to undergo treatment for an extended period of time, Leo discovers he has an ability he didn’t have before. It’s through this newfound power that Leo escapes a reality no eleven year old should have to face. While Leo recovers, escaping his body when resting to soar through New York City’s skyline and roam the rest of the hospital, he stumbles into an injured policeman, Alex. From there, Leo’s adventure begins because outside of the hospital’s walls is New York’s newest villain. With Alex’s knowledge and Leo’s superpower, the two team up to save the city from its newest threat.

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Jason Bourne Review

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Jason Bourne is an entirely unnecessary movie sequel. It’s not that his return isn’t welcome. The CIA operative-turned-amnesiac-turned-rogue-agent-out-for-revenge is a great character; the ultimate anti-hero who – thanks to some superb scripts and the casting of Matt Damon – became so much more than your average celluloid spy.

The problem is that he’s at the centre of a perfect movie trilogy (we’ll ignore that Jeremy Renner spin-off, as the filmmakers certainly have). Bournes Identity, Supremacy and Ultimatum gave his story a seamless arc as Jason uncovered the dark secrets of his past and eventually punished those responsible in the present.

The films were even book-ended by the image of Bourne floating on the water, and while that might not have been planned from the off, it was nevertheless a fitting way to say farewell to the character at Ultimatum’s end.

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Monday 25 July 2016

Fru Review

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If it’s anything like mine, your Xbox One’s Kinect has sat unceremoniously in a cupboard for months, the most recent addition to an unnervingly large pile of abandoned tech. It was a pleasure, then, to discover that Fru’s surprisingly hard and very fun challenges made bringing the Kinect out of storage worth it. If more games had explored clever uses of the sensor like this puzzle-platformer does, I’d never have put it away. That’s a big call.

Fru’s setup makes for a hilarious and occasionally ridiculous three-hour experience. On initial examination, Fru is a simple platformer that sees you controlling a small, waif-like girl across blocky terrain with your controller. Its point of difference is you, your silhouette, which appears on screen and within its frame reveals an alternate-dimension landscape of the level, allowing you to change the makeup of each level in order to advance your character through it.

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Headlander Review

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On paper, Headlander shouldn’t work. With both its clashing tone and humor and its mishmash of 2D mechanics, it successfully blends ideas that aren’t just different—they’re about as dissimilar as possible. It comes together thanks to great retro art, fun exploration, and developer Double Fine’s unmistakable charm.

This is a game that explores humanity and our overreliance on technology, and what it means to be alive. It’s also about a mustachioed, rocket-powered head (with amnesia) and tiny vacuum robots that giggle when they fart out dust. When it’s not a classic, slower-paced Metroidvania-style adventure, it’s a twitchy bullet hell shooter with enough speed to make your palms sweat It’s a lot to take in.

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Sunday 24 July 2016

The Night Of: "A Dark Crate" Review

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Warning: Full spoilers for the episode below.

The Night Of has often been compared to The Wire in terms of its wide scope and the focus on the many lives impacted by Nasir Khan's murder trial. In the first two episodes, however, that scope was still fairly limited. The focus remained largely on Naz himself, his ambitious defense attorney John Stone and the conflicted Detective Box. But this week, the series began casting a wider net, devoting more screen time to Naz's fellow Rikers Island inmates, his parents, their jilted business partners and the prosecutors tasked with overseeing what promises to be a hugely controversial trial. But rather than becoming overcrowded, the series is only becoming more compelling with each new episode.

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Designated Survivor Premiere Review

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Kiefer Sutherland is heading back to your television screens, this time as the President of the United States. He stars as the titular Designated Survivor in the upcoming ABC drama, which had an early screening at San Diego Comic-Con in anticipation of its Sept. 21st premiere.

The series follows Sutherland as Tom Kirkman, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development who finds himself fired unceremoniously the day the President is set to deliver the State of the Union. He is slated to be the day's designated survivor -- meaning, a member of the Cabinet in the presidential line of succession held in a safe location -- and unwittingly becomes the only cabinet member left alive when a terrorist attack targets the Capitol Building and kills everyone inside.

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Friday 22 July 2016

The Exorcist: Series Premiere Review

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FOX held a pilot screening for its new adaptation of The Exorcist, starring Geena Davis and Alfonso Herrera, at Comic-Con and we've got a non-spoilery advance review of it. The Exorcist will air Fridays this fall, premiering September 23rd.

Not so much of a pure reboot as it is a spiritual adaptation of 1973 iconic hour film, FOX's new version of The Exorcist hopes to bring some strained, strangled scares to TV. With the story now set in Chicago, the basic elements are the same. A demon has taken hold of a girl - now aged up from pre-teen Regan from the movie - and the mother, Angela (Geena Davis), has become concerned enough to consult with her local priest (Alfonso Herrera) about a possible possession. But is the daughter actually possessed or is she just darkly out of sorts due to having just experienced a traumatic car accident? Well, that's part of the mystery in this first episode.

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Berserk Review

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"Epiphany" was a strong episode that went a long way in restoring my faith in Berserk. There was a good mix of action and character development, and it was great to see familiar faces return and new (terrifying) ones appear.

The show opened with Guts taking a timeout from battle to visit old friends and get his equipment repaired by the blacksmith, Godo. Godo's gruffness is a good counterweight to Guts' brusque demeanor, and I was happy to see him (and Erica!) immediately lay into Guts for abandoning Casca so he could keep fighting ("you went on alone, leaving the remaining irreplaceable people behind"). It's rare for Guts to acknowledge any type of weakness, but after Godo's lecture, even the Black Swordsman was forced  to admit his quest for vengeance is really just a way to escape his guilty conscience.

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Kentucky Route Zero: Act 4 Review

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Kentucky Route Zero: Act 4 opens with a giant, robotic woolly mammoth perched on a boat, and gets stranger from there. The weirdness serves as a valuable storytelling tool, not a gimmick, and is tactfully employed to offset presuppositions we don’t even know we have. Though the imagery is fanciful, it opens the door to this short but excellent adventure game episode’s exploration of truly serious themes: the desperation of poverty, the nature of friendship, and the impending threat of death.

A giant mammoth on a boat. A giant mammoth on a boat.

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Lethal Weapon Series Premiere Review

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The pilot for FOX's Lethal Weapon series screened for fans at San Diego Comic-Con and we've got an advance spoiler-free review for you. The premiere episode will air Wednesday, September 21st.

Cutting to the chase, I enjoyed the Lethal Weapon pilot more than I anticipated.

Like, I assume, most of you, I was -- and for the most part still am -- against the rebooting of Lethal Weapon. I'm against most reboots just based on principal, in general, but I can still be wrong - like with Hannibal and Fargo (even though Fargo acts more like a spiritual adaptation/sequel). Basically, there was no point to turning Lethal Weapon into a TV show when the original films are still easily accessible and, in the case of the first two, still hold up.

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Hitman Summer Bonus Missions Review

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While a little modest compared to the scope of the three main episodes released so far, perhaps the best praise I could spoon upon the pair of bonus jobs developer Io Interactive has gifted to Hitman owners is that neither would’ve felt out of place in the likes of cult-fave Hitman: Blood Money. These are clever remixes of two previously released levels, each injected with new content that effectively distinguishes our second visits from our first ones. The playable area of each is smaller and there are slightly fewer ways to complete the hits here than in the main missions (and they’re not quite as challenging) but they still require patient observation and thoughtful execution of multi-part plans.

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BoJack Horseman: Season 3 Review

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Note: this is a spoiler-free review of BoJack Horseman's third season, which debuted on Netflix on Friday, June 22.

Now that Mad Men is off the air, BoJack Horseman might just hold claim to the title of "Best Show About a Wealthy, Middle-Aged Man Who Can't Seem to Find Personal Happiness or Fulfillment Despite His Professional Success." This Netflix-exclusive animated series got off to a fairly rocky start in its first season but improved considerably in Season 2. Luckily, Season 3 is on par with the last, if not even better. The show keeps finding new ways to showcase the absurdity of the BoJack universe while also exploring the title character's ongoing battles with depression and self-destructive behavior.

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Thursday 21 July 2016

The Good Place Pilot Review

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The pilot for NBC's The Good Place, starring Kristen Bell and Ted Danson, screened at San Diego Comic-Con and we've got an advance spoiler-free review. The show will premiere on Monday, September 19th, before moving to its Thursday nights on September 22nd.

Michael Schur -- co-creator of Parks and Rec and Brooklyn Nine-Nine, and a writer on the US The Office -- returns to NBC this fall with The Good Place. As a whimsically bureaucratic look at the afterlife, The Good Place might easily remind you of Albert Brooks' Defending Your Life or the dark laughs of Beetlejuice, but it's still able to stand on its own as a slice of unique, fun TV.

But, while leads Kristen Bell and Ted Danson delight, the rest of the ensemble needs work. And that's what, I suppose, reminds me of Parks ad Rec here, despite the two shows sharing very little in common from a story standpoint. The rest of the players need to get fleshed out and - well - made funny, because right now Bell and Danson, and the quirky premise, carry the weight. However, I'm not too worried since, as of the pilot, only William Jackson Harper's Chidi and Jameela Jamil's Tahani make up the supporting players and Schur shows don't usually roll with only four characters. So it stands to reason that more characters will soon join the story and that everyone will eventually hone in on their comedic voice.

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Time After Time Pilot Review

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Kevin Williamson's new pilot Time After Time, an updated take on the book and 1979 film of the same name, made its debut at San Diego Comic-Con. But unlike Williamson's previous TV projects The Vampire Diaries and The Following, the first episode of this new ABC series gets off to a bland start that doesn't inspire much confidence in what's to come.

Freddie Stroma (UnReal, Harry Potter) stars in the series as H.G. Wells, the famous writer who penned The Time Machine, The War of the Worlds and The Island of Doctor Moreau. Here he's not yet published The Time Machine, instead investing his efforts in building one. The pilot kicks off with Wells' friend John Stevenson (Revenge's Josh Bowman) revealing himself to be Jack the Ripper, and then evading the police by stealing the time machine and zipping forward to 2016. Wells follows him to present day New York, where he meets and begins to fall for museum curator Jane Walker (Genesis Rodriguez).

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Frequency Pilot Review

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Fans at San-Diego Comic-Con got to watch the pilot episode for The CW's new series Frequency, starring The Flash's Peyton List. This is our spoiler-free review of the episode, which premieres on Wednesday, October 5th, following Arrow.

Based on the Dennis Quaid/Jim Caviezel cross-time thriller from 2000, Frequency marks The CW's latest entry into the new resurgence of time travel TV, which was ushered in by Syfy's 12 Monkeys a year ago and then followed up this year with DC's Legends of Tomorrow.

Now -- with Time After Time on ABC and Timeless on NBC also coming up -- time machines seem to be all the rage. And like 12 Monkeys, Frequency has been adapted from a movie and extended and expanded into a something that can exist as an ongoing series. The main difference with Frequency though when compared to the other shows, as far as we know at the outset, is that the only thing traveling through time is information. Timelines get altered, fates get averted, but no one's physically getting beamed through the universe and landing in a different era. There's just a mysterious pipeline that allows for some interesting drama.

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Powerless: Series Premiere Review

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At San Diego Comic-Con this week, NBC debuted the pilot to their new DC Comics-based comedy, Powerless.

With DC live-action adaptations already broken up into several unconnected universes -- the movies, the CW/Greg Berlanti-produced shows and Gotham among them -- Powerless adds yet another to the list with its depiction of a world positively jam-packed with DC heroes. There’s no chance this is happening in either the movie or CW series universes, as this is a world where Hawkman is on the cover of Rolling Stone, where you might suspect your coworker is Green Lantern, and where Wonder Woman’s exploits are a commonality.

Vanessa Hudgens stars as Emily Locke, who works at an insurance company who specialize in superhero-related claims. When her kindly boss is killed in – you guessed it – a superhero battle, Emily is none to happy to meet his replacement, Teddy (Alan Tudyk). Coldhearted and exploitive, every move Teddy makes infuriates Emily, who begins to push back hard.

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Wednesday 20 July 2016

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #5 Review

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For many MMPR fans, the Green Ranger was the pinnacle of cool. The costume, the dagger, the long-hair-don’t-care vibe – everything about Tommy Oliver made him an instant favorite. But what if he wasn’t Rita’s first choice to pilot the Dragonzord? What if she initially had another Ranger in mind? That’s the question writer Kyle Higgins and guest artist Thony Silas look to answer in this solid flashback one-shot.

One of the more consistent criticisms we’ve had with MMPR’s early run involves the somewhat sporadic distribution of character development. Whereas the Power Trio ™ of Tommy, Kimberly and Jason have seen some extended page time, Rangers Billy, Trini and Zach often feel left on the outside looking in. Higgins looks to right at least one of those wrongs in issue #5, putting the focus almost entirely on Black Ranger, Zach. Rather than focus on the already presented rift between Zach and Tommy, we’re instead treated to a look at the time before the Green Ranger joins the team. Following the successful defense of an Italian official from Rita and her ilk(teasing the Rangers’ global jurisdiction), Zach is left to grapple with the fawning adoration directed at Red Ranger Jason, even though it was Zach who actually played hero in the rescue. That slight bit of jealousy opens the door for Rita to make an offer of her own, as she tries to recruit Zach to take up the larger, and more powerful, role he clearly desires.

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Betty & Veronica #1 Review

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The rebooted Archie brand has been met with darn near universal acclaim since its inception, with each new title carving out its own particular fan base. The dominion looks to continue with the brand’s latest off-shoot, this time focusing on Riverdale’s premier gal-pals, Betty and Veronica. Helmed by writer/artist Adam Hughes, Archie’s latest debut is a gorgeous, if uneven affair, one possessing of as many kinks as it has quirks. It has its moments, but at the onset it’s uncertain just which fan base its out to attract.

At first glance, Hughes seems like an unorthodox choice for a title such as this. Given the younger leanings presented in the series’ initial releases, Hughes’ famed brand doesn’t immediately stand out as a perfect fit. As it happens, the art is actually the saving grace of the read, as it’s the writing that threatens to derail this first chapter. Hughes appears keenly aware of the sort of expectations that come with his work, and to his credit he (mostly) pushes himself as far away from that expectation as possible. The problem is, that push is entirely too overdone, resulting in a book that, while not without its entertainment, reads as remarkably scattershot.

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Mr. Robot: "eps2.1_k3rnel-pan1c.ksd" Review

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Warning: Full spoilers for the episode below.

Note: With Comic-Con in full bloom, I'm pressed for time and am going to keep this review on the short side.

Elliot got way more aggressive in his efforts to cleanse his brain of Mr. Robot this week in "eps2.1_k3rnel-pan1c.ksd," an episode that aggressively moved the Season 2 story forward by answering some key questions about Craig Robinson's Ray.

Ray, a man whose shady bitcoin business took a hit after the hack, is now looking for someone to help him get his enterprise back up and running. And, by the end, while likening the loss of his own wife and his daily ritual of speaking to no one as a way to connect to Elliot, a new partnership was formed. It's a move that believably got Elliot back in the game while also putting him more at ease with his own inner turmoil. You know, so that we can break free of this initial seasonal struggle and get Elliot out of his rut.

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Black Hammer #1 Review

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So many new creator-owned comics make the mistake of trying to bombard readers with exposition and minutiae about their new universe rather than letting the information come across naturally. It's rarely a good thing when world-building take priority over character development. But with Black Hammer being approximately the 750th new series Jeff Lemire has debuted in his career, he's developed a knack for starting off on the right foot. Leave it to Lemire and artist Dean Ormston to prove that there are always new ways to tackle the superhero genre.

Black Hammer features a super-team comprised of familiar archetypes - the Superman analogue, the Martian Manhunter/Conan mash-up, the Adam Strange analogue, etc. The series stands out in how those archetypes are used, however. As this first issue opens, this team has been trapped in a quiet, rural farm community for a decade in the aftermath of their last and greatest battle. The particulars of how that happened and why they can't return home are only loosely addressed in this first chapter. That information is secondary to establishing the core cast and their distinctive personalities.

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I Am Setsuna Review

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Even if I am Setsuna hadn't been sold to the public as a salve for Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy 6 fans pining for the golden age of the JRPG, its many similarities to those two classics would invite comparison. But instead of shamelessly aping those games, I Am Setsuna felt more like its own game the further I got into its deep magic and skills system, and the more I got to know its cast of intriguing characters. Some balance issues come dangerously close to trivializing its otherwise enjoyable combat, but it ultimately pulls through on the strength of its well-established tone and a well-told story.

I Am Setsuna’s greatest strength, by far, is its steadfast commitment to the somber tone it establishes right from the outset. Yes, there are brief moments of levity, but nothing that qualifies as an attempt at comic relief, and the journey is all the better for it. This is a tragic tale of a fractured world filled with people who vainly struggle against a rising tide of danger, and nearly every creative choice properly reflects this. The gorgeous and achingly sad all-piano soundtrack, the muted colors, and the relentless emptiness of the overworld all work in harmonious service to the themes of sacrifice, regret, and hope in the face of cyclical and unending conflict.

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Batman #3 Review

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With the newest chapter of their Batman run, writer Tom King and artist David Finch continue blending the old and the new in Gotham City. Even as Hugo Strange rears his head, the truth behind the origins of super-powered heroes Gotham and Gotham Girl is revealed in this issue. Readers are given a clearer picture of what lays in store for the Dark Knight, which is generally enough to make up for the fact that this book is such a short, breezy read.

King and Finch play on the familiar Batman tropes when it comes to fleshing out the origin of these two new heroes, while at the same time subverting those tropes just enough so that these characters don't come across as blatant retreads. Instead, their story serves as a testament to the inspirational power of Batman. Plus, the investigation into their background allows a suspicious Bruce Wayne to go into undercover detective mode, which is never a bad thing. King and inch could easily have crafted a story where Batman simply butted heads with these two superhero upstarts. But the decision to make them willing allies rather than enemies is more compelling.

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Snotgirl #1 Review

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Snotgirl marks Scott Pilgrim creator Bryan Lee O'Malley's first monthly comic. And if this first issue is any indication, it's a format he should have tackled long ago. Regardless of your attachment to O'Malley's previous works, Snotgirl #1 offers a funny, compelling, and downright weird look at the world of fashion blogging.

Snotgirl revolves around the bizarre double life of blogger Lottie Person. This trendy writer is utterly obsessed with projecting the ideal image to her massive audience of

followers. But if the idea of reading about a self-absorbed Millennial/social media maven doesn't sound appealing, know that there's a lot more to the series. Lottie is also a chronic self-loather who struggles to create meaningful relationships in her Twitter-dominated life. Plus, there's the fact that she suffers from severe allergies, hence the "Snotgirl" moniker.

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Hellblazer Rebirth #1 Review

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For years, DC seemed to struggle to figure out how to properly transition John Constantine from the Vertigo universe back into the DCU. They didn't really find the right formula until James Tynion IV and Ming Doyle's Constantine: The Hellblazer last year. Now it could be argued that, not only does Constantine not need the fresh start that comes with DC Rebirth, he's actually worse off for it. The Hellblazer Rebirth #1 offers a perfectly decent start to the wayward magician's newest series, but it lacks some of the spark of his previous book.

This issue is very much focused on bringing Constantine back to basics. As the book opens he bids farewell to New York and returns to his usual stomping grounds in London. There's a certain comfortable familiarity to the series, what with the dreary setting, the return of Chas and a plot that revolves around Constantine outwitting another powerful demon. The real problem is that this is all material fans have seen before in Constantine's past adventures. It's basically a return to the classic Hellblazer series, except with a more PG-13 tone and a pointless, shoehorned scene featuring several Justice League characters. There's little in this issue that stands out as being new or different. Even the conflict, which involves a threat to the entire city of London, is resolved too quickly and easily.

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Serenity Returns to Comics This Fall

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If you've been pining for more adventures set in the Firefly universe, Dark Horse Comics has you covered. Today the publisher announced (via Entertainment Weekly) that they'll be debuting a new Serenity mini-series this fall.

Serenity: No Power in the 'Verse is a six-issue mini-series written by Chris Roberson and drawn by Georges Jeanty (who also drew the previous series, Serenity: Leaves on the Wind).


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Justice League #1 Review

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It's a testament to the quality of the DC Rebirth relaunch so far that there's been only one disappointing new series. Unfortunately, that series happens to feature DC's most high-profile superhero team. The new Justice League isn't just a significant step down from the previous volume, but also from writer Bryan Hitch's previous JLA work.

Hitch essentially coined the term "widescreen action" through his work on The Authority and The Ultimates in the early 2000's. Even with Hitch serving as writer only for this new book, that same approach is very much in effect. This issue is crammed with epic scenes of carnage and wholesale destruction. Tony Daniel is clearly more than capable of playing in the Hitch sandbox. And whereas Hitch's art in the Rebirth chapter was disappointingly sloppy, Daniel's line-work is far more sleek and refined. Daniel's stiff facial work leaves a bit to be desired (particularly when it comes to the many civilian characters in the backgrounds), but on the whole the series sees a great deal of visual improvement here.

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Ice Age: Collision Course Review

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Five films down and the Ice Age franchise is, 14 years after it first hit screens, finally running out of steam – and the movie feels like it knows this. There’s nothing offensively bad about this latest entry, but there’s also not much here to draw new fans in or anyone other than the diehard longtime fans back.

It kicks off with, as usual, Scrat’s acorn-attaining ineptitude causing mayhem but this time, it ends up with him being thrust into space which, in itself, shows how far the franchise has to go now for inspiration. This sets off a series of events that lead to meteors hurtling towards Earth.

Of course, Manny (Ray Romano), Sid (John Leguizamo), Diego (Denis Leary) and the rest of their crew head off on an adventure to try and stop that happening. As usual, on that journey, they come across a host of moderately interesting characters such as Nick Offerman’s bad dino-bird Gavin and his family, Jesse Tyler Ferguson’s Shangri Llama and Jessie J’s Brooke – all of whom are either weakly developed, underused and feel somewhat wasted.

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Tuesday 19 July 2016

The Solus Project Review

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It's no accident that one of the most effective scenes in The Martian sees Matt Damon lose almost the entirety of his food supply in an instant. With a force of a gut punch, the scene reminds us that few things are more terrifying and hopeless than the prospect of surviving on an alien world alone. That’s the feeling The Solus Project replicates in its best moments, and that, combined with the pressure of holding the fate of the human race in my hands, kept me glued to it long after I grew disenchanted with its weak puzzles and crafting, or the way its survival elements quickly take a back seat to survival horror.

Our world is dead already, and the male or female protagonist you choose is a member of a key reconnaissance team searching for a new habitat for humanity. It's not going too well. The ship gets shot down by a strange blast from the far-flung candidate planet below, and you may be the only survivor. If you fail to report your findings, it's likely game over for the rest of us.

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Food Wars Season 2: Episode 3 Review

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Anime hamburgers come in all sorts of styles, some far stranger than others. I expected Food Wars of all shows to do them some sort of justice. I was wrong.

In addition to some of the weirdest burgers I’ve ever seen in anime — one is just meat in pita bread and the other features turtle-based sauce in a steamed bun — Episode 3 is weaker than the standard Food Wars has set for itself. It’s not really a bad episode and still furthers the plot well enough, but it’s disjointed and split between too many characters and ideas. I found my mind wandering toward the end, thinking about the next big cook-off (and an In-N-Out burger).

To its credit, Food Wars doesn’t ignore its minor characters, but this episode loses itself in trying to develop them. The hamburger battle stars Hayama Akira, a master of spice and smell, and Arato Hisako, an expert in medicinal plants. Their burgers really do reflect their personalities and reveal more about them — Hayama’s is powerful while Hisako’s isn’t ambitious enough, much like her sidekick status to the powerful and talented Erina — but unlike almost every other dish in Food Wars history, I had no desire to try either burger. It’s not just that they were weird, but that they weren’t described with the kind of care and detail as the ramen in Episode 2, for example. It all felt rushed and unfocused.

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Equals Review

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If you took Logan's Run, THX-1138, 1984 and Twilight and threw them in a blender, the result would probably look something like Equals, a vague mishmash of various sci-fi works -- albeit with a few interesting ideas of its own.

Erring on the side of contemplation, the film explores a future world where human emotions are considered a disease: Switched-On Syndrome (or "SOS"). Specifically, it follows illustrator Silas (Nicholas Hoult), who suddenly finds himself drawn to his co-worker Nia (Kristen Stewart), who's secretly harboring feelings herself. Soon, the two begin a secret romance that could get them both executed.

While the story (scripted by Moon's Nathan Parker) presents some clever twists and turns on the concept of an unfeeling world, its "forbidden love" element ultimately makes it feel more "Stephenie Meyer" than "George Orwell." Indeed, there's a bit of YA soapiness involved, as Silas and Nia try to contain their brimming sexual attraction to each other.

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Monday 18 July 2016

12 Monkeys: Season 2 Finale Review

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Warning: Full spoilers for the episode below.

"Memory of Tomorrow" was so jam-packed with awesomeness it's hard to know where to begin. Since this is a story that begins at the end and ends at the beginning, I'll go with the final, long-awaited reveal of the Witness. Well, sorta. We now know it's Cassie and Cole's child, but since we don't know when it was born it still could conceivably (pun intended) be someone we already know. Regardless, this was a devastating and completely mind-blowing turn. Because we thought Cole had erased his romance with Cassie... right? More on that in a bit.

All the 1950's stuff was great. Cole and Cassie believe that they are stuck in 1959 with no way to return to the front lines of the war against the 12 Monkeys. It makes sense that they would try to settle in and make the past their future, but Cole's unique relationship to time won't let him do this. The scenes where time stopped for everyone but Cole as he was brought to visit another Primary were incredibly cool and creepy.

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Kerbal Space Program PS4 Review

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Kerbal Space Program is the most fun I've ever had failing. And man oh man, did I fail – over and over again. It's part of Kerbal's experimental nature. By the time I finally built a rocket that achieved successful orbit I had failed so many times that in almost any other game I would have given up completely. But that's where the genius of Kerbal really is: hard work pays off, and once I was able to determine the cause of my failures, be it staging woes or my nose pitching violently at 1000 meters, every successful launch was a thing of beauty.

Kerbal on PlayStation 4 is for the most part exactly the same as its PC counterpart (read our Kerbal Space Program PC review), with the big exception of the control scheme. I found it daunting at first glance: there's a lot going on in every single screen, and accessing the in-game help files did nothing to put me at ease. To accommodate Kerbal’s made-for-mouse-and-keyboard complexity, Certain buttons on the controller behave as modifiers that, when held down, give each of the other buttons different functions. It sounds like a hot mess, but I was amazed at how quickly I was able to figure the controls out without a cheat-sheet in front of me. The button assignments have a really intuitive feel... although I often accidentally hit X during EVAs, causing my Kerbal to let go of its module and float helplessly into space. So human error is a factor.

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D.Gray-man Hallow Episode 3 Review

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Warning: Full spoilers for the episode below.

Allen Walker and his pals from the order found themselves in a dangerous predicament at the end of "Lonely Boy," leaving me eager to see how the Innocence-wielding exorcist would be able to save his friends and a young orphan boy named Timothy from the hands of the Akuma. "It'll Be Fine If I Wash My Face" continues the intense battle in another action-heavy episode that provides a glimpse into the internal struggle Allen must face as The Fourteenth attempts to assume control.

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Orange Episode 3 Review

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Warning: Full spoilers for the episode below.

Orange, so far, has revolved around the soft ability to change the future. By knowing the future, via a letter, Naho can effectively make different decisions to alter history. We don’t get to physically see the regretful reality her future self once lived, but we don’t have to. We’re witnessing the present as future-Naho perceives it should have been, and that’s enough. Yet in “Letter 03,” we’re shown that sometimes things don’t go exactly as planned.

Naho’s growing closer to Kakeru. That much is evident, especially after Kakeru confided about his mother’s suicide to Naho in the previous episode. At this point, Naho obviously loves Kakeru. He shows glimmers of feeling the same but, much like Naho, is probably too shy and nervous to confess it. It’s the atypical shoujo romance drama—except for what sets Orange apart from its genre’s counterparts: actual, heartfelt tragedy, with a bit of sci-fi time traveling letters tossed in. Orange resonates as genuine in a sea of shoujo romances that, for the most part, feel the same and follow the same plot beats. While Orange doesn’t avoid these tropes, it embraces them wholeheartedly in a way that works for its narrative.

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