
Friday 15 July 2016

Star Trek Beyond Review

The latest game news from IGN - one of my fave channels ever - check it out

Star Trek Beyond, the third film in the rebooted big-screen series, has a lot to live up to for both mainstream audiences and diehard fans. Not only does it follow the very divisive sequel Into Darkness, but it’s also being released amid the mega-franchise’s 50th anniversary celebration. Somewhere, late Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry is watching…

So it’s a great relief to say that Beyond is terrific, a fun and exciting entry in the series that balances subtle fan service while also feeling fresh and modern. And it somehow does so while also very much playing like an episode of the Original Series.

We’re three years into the USS Enterprise’s legendary five-year mission, and Chris Pine’s Captain Kirk is beginning to question how he fell into this life in the first place. He joined Starfleet to live up to his father’s memory, but now as Kirk is about to celebrate the birthday that will actually make him older than his old man ever lived to be, he’s reached a juncture. Perhaps the time has come for him to leave this whole spaceship life behind.

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from IGN Reviews
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