
Thursday 21 July 2016

Time After Time Pilot Review

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Kevin Williamson's new pilot Time After Time, an updated take on the book and 1979 film of the same name, made its debut at San Diego Comic-Con. But unlike Williamson's previous TV projects The Vampire Diaries and The Following, the first episode of this new ABC series gets off to a bland start that doesn't inspire much confidence in what's to come.

Freddie Stroma (UnReal, Harry Potter) stars in the series as H.G. Wells, the famous writer who penned The Time Machine, The War of the Worlds and The Island of Doctor Moreau. Here he's not yet published The Time Machine, instead investing his efforts in building one. The pilot kicks off with Wells' friend John Stevenson (Revenge's Josh Bowman) revealing himself to be Jack the Ripper, and then evading the police by stealing the time machine and zipping forward to 2016. Wells follows him to present day New York, where he meets and begins to fall for museum curator Jane Walker (Genesis Rodriguez).

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