
Wednesday 13 July 2016

Civil War II #3 Review

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In many ways, Civil War II reads like the polar opposite of its predecessor. The original Civil War was fast-paced to a fault. Too often the series bounced from plot point to plot point, leaving its numerous tie-ins to explore the philosophical ramifications of the conflict and its impact on the superhero community. But at least Mark Millar and Steve McNiven firmly established that conflict and the two factions by the end of Civil War #1. By comparison, Civil War II is now five chapters deep (counting the two prologue issues) and it's only just now reaching that point. That glacial pace is one reason why Marvel's latest big event has proven so frustrating.

It would be one thing if the methodical pace resulted in complex, nuanced characterization. That was at least the case with Civil War II #0. But this issue is crammed with talking heads and dialogue that does little but retread old ground and ensure that every character has the exact same voice. Take these panels, for example:

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