
Wednesday 20 July 2016

Betty & Veronica #1 Review

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The rebooted Archie brand has been met with darn near universal acclaim since its inception, with each new title carving out its own particular fan base. The dominion looks to continue with the brand’s latest off-shoot, this time focusing on Riverdale’s premier gal-pals, Betty and Veronica. Helmed by writer/artist Adam Hughes, Archie’s latest debut is a gorgeous, if uneven affair, one possessing of as many kinks as it has quirks. It has its moments, but at the onset it’s uncertain just which fan base its out to attract.

At first glance, Hughes seems like an unorthodox choice for a title such as this. Given the younger leanings presented in the series’ initial releases, Hughes’ famed brand doesn’t immediately stand out as a perfect fit. As it happens, the art is actually the saving grace of the read, as it’s the writing that threatens to derail this first chapter. Hughes appears keenly aware of the sort of expectations that come with his work, and to his credit he (mostly) pushes himself as far away from that expectation as possible. The problem is, that push is entirely too overdone, resulting in a book that, while not without its entertainment, reads as remarkably scattershot.

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