
Wednesday 27 July 2016

Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #1 Review

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Like Green Arrow, Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps proves that it's possible to completely revamp and refresh a comic without changing writers. DC Rebirth has served as exactly the fresh start Robert Venditti needed to refocus his Green Lantern run and course-correct the story of Hal Jordan. Things are looking up in a big way for this franchise.

With the recent Rebirth one-shot bridging the gap between the previous Green Lantern comic and this new series, Venditti is able to dive headlong into his new status quo. What's most impressive about this issue is the way it manages to juggle so many balls at once. On one hand, it serves as a great solo spotlight for the resurgent Hal as he finds himself the lone Lantern in a galaxy controlled by the Sinestro Corps. Coming off the character's less than memorable DC You status quo, this feels much more like the classically bold, defiant Hal readers know and love. But on the other hand, this issue is an equally great showcase for the Sinestro Corps and their inner workings. If we can't have a Sinestro-centric comic anymore, this is the next best option.

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