
Sunday 10 July 2016

Preacher: "He Gone" Review

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Warning: Full spoilers for the episode below.

A fairly intense episode of Preacher had Jesse acting like an ass to, well, everyone – essentially forcing all those who care about him away.

Just seven episodes in, it’s a bit risky to already have your lead character in such a dark and even unlikable place, and I’m curious if it’s more off-putting to those who haven’t read the comics, but I found it quite compelling. Jesse is being a stubborn bastard, convinced that he’s doing the right thing and it’s his way or the highway… to hell.

Yes, the question of Eugene’s disappearance loomed large here, and with it came the notable revelation of what exactly caused Eugene’s disfigurement. It was clear they wouldn’t copy the comic’s backstory, given the change in era (though the Nirvana sticker in Eugene’s locker in last week’s episode provided a nice nod), but what they went for was actually much darker than the comics. Finding out Eugene actually tried to murder Tracy after she rejected him adds a whole new troubling dimension to Eugene I appreciate – even as the fact that he managed to successfully botch both killing her and himself amplifies the horrifically macabre comic/tragic scenario from the comic book.

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