
Wednesday 6 July 2016

The Secret Life of Pets Review

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Like Mower Minions, a Minions short which precedes it theatrically, The Secret Life of Pets is a frenetic ball of energy, a movie which doesn't so much get you to like it as it does beat you into submission. What's more, it wins. By the time a sequence inside a sausage factory draws to a close, everyone in the audience has succumbed to the movie's charms, even if one doesn't feel great about having done so.

Directed by Chris Renaud (Despicable Me and its sequel) and co-directed by Yarrow Cheney (production designer on both Despicable Me films), Secret Life of Pets is the story of a terrier mix named Max (Louis C.K.), his friends, and the sorts of trouble they find. There is an implication in the film's title that these sorts of things happen fairly regularly, although due to the scope of the story and the havoc the pets wreak in New York City (things like shutting down part of the Brooklyn Bridge), that feels unlikely.

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