
Friday 22 July 2016

Berserk Review

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"Epiphany" was a strong episode that went a long way in restoring my faith in Berserk. There was a good mix of action and character development, and it was great to see familiar faces return and new (terrifying) ones appear.

The show opened with Guts taking a timeout from battle to visit old friends and get his equipment repaired by the blacksmith, Godo. Godo's gruffness is a good counterweight to Guts' brusque demeanor, and I was happy to see him (and Erica!) immediately lay into Guts for abandoning Casca so he could keep fighting ("you went on alone, leaving the remaining irreplaceable people behind"). It's rare for Guts to acknowledge any type of weakness, but after Godo's lecture, even the Black Swordsman was forced  to admit his quest for vengeance is really just a way to escape his guilty conscience.

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