
Sunday 17 July 2016

Preacher: "El Valero" Review

The latest game news from IGN - one of my fave channels ever - check it out

Warning: Full spoilers for the episode below.

Hello, all. It's Fowler. I'm taking over Preacher reviewing duties this week for Eric while he's off in London covering Star Wars Celebration. If you're looking for all the latest SWC news, by the way, head over here.

A fiercely Jesse-heavy episode this week gave us some some more wickedly comedic (and brutal) violence along with some essential backstory for both Odin and John Custer.

Yes, "El Valero" only contained a touch of Tulip and a smidgen of Cassidy (if indeed he was the beast behind the closed door devouring poor Brewski) as the bulk of it involved Jesse coming to tragic terms with his poor decisions regarding his new power after discovering that Eugene couldn't be brought back from Hell using his voice. Of course, that didn't stop him from seeing Eugene as a hallucination and even thinking he'd returned from the fiery pits for a brief moment.

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