
Wednesday 6 July 2016

The Walking Dead #156 Review

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One of the main challenges when dealing with long-form, serialized stories featuring a large ensemble cast is ensuring that each character gets the attention they deserve. But more often than not, the most memorable installments are those that don't attempt to juggle several simultaneous plot threads, but instead remain fixated on one group of characters. Case in point - "Hardhome" was easily the standout installment of Game of Thrones Season 5. The Walking Dead #156 stands out for the exact same reason. In fact, this is easily one of the series' strongest chapters in years.

This issue follows up on the most significant development of recent months - the burgeoning alliance between Negan and Alpha. Robert Kirkman's script remains focused entirely on that odd dynamic and the tension brought about by introducing the volatile Negan into this group of hardened, skin-wearing killers. It's obvious Negan can't be trusted, but can he at least make himself useful to his new friends? Do the benefits Negan provides outweigh the risks of allowing him to remain? These are questions this issue explores in great depth.

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