
Sunday 10 July 2016

Tales of Zestiria the X Episode 2 Review

The latest game news from IGN - one of my fave channels ever - check it out

Warning: Full spoilers for the episode below.

After coming away unimpressed by Tales of Zestiria the X's premiere, I went into "Capital of Seraphim" with tempered expectations. Thanks to the introduction of two fun and instantly likable characters, the second episode is a marked improvement over the premiere, leaving me far more hopeful in the series and excited to see how Sorey and Mikleo's discovery of Alisha plays out in the next episode.

"Capital of Seraphim" begins with a beat down and rattled Alisha, who, after suffering a traumatic series of events in "Age of Chaos," stumbles upon a ruin. Watching her explore its depths completely alone, grief-stricken by the tragedy that befell her comrades in the premiere, filled me with a sense of empathy I didn't have for her previously. This was all thanks to the well executed juxtaposition of her dire circumstance to the fun and lighthearted lives of Sorey of Mikleo.

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from IGN Reviews
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