
Wednesday 20 July 2016

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #5 Review

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For many MMPR fans, the Green Ranger was the pinnacle of cool. The costume, the dagger, the long-hair-don’t-care vibe – everything about Tommy Oliver made him an instant favorite. But what if he wasn’t Rita’s first choice to pilot the Dragonzord? What if she initially had another Ranger in mind? That’s the question writer Kyle Higgins and guest artist Thony Silas look to answer in this solid flashback one-shot.

One of the more consistent criticisms we’ve had with MMPR’s early run involves the somewhat sporadic distribution of character development. Whereas the Power Trio ™ of Tommy, Kimberly and Jason have seen some extended page time, Rangers Billy, Trini and Zach often feel left on the outside looking in. Higgins looks to right at least one of those wrongs in issue #5, putting the focus almost entirely on Black Ranger, Zach. Rather than focus on the already presented rift between Zach and Tommy, we’re instead treated to a look at the time before the Green Ranger joins the team. Following the successful defense of an Italian official from Rita and her ilk(teasing the Rangers’ global jurisdiction), Zach is left to grapple with the fawning adoration directed at Red Ranger Jason, even though it was Zach who actually played hero in the rescue. That slight bit of jealousy opens the door for Rita to make an offer of her own, as she tries to recruit Zach to take up the larger, and more powerful, role he clearly desires.

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