
Wednesday 13 July 2016

Nightwing Rebirth #1 Review

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As enjoyable as Tom King and Tim Seeley's Grayson has been, there's just something about the idea of Dick Grayson returning to the role of Nightwing that feels right. Doubly so because he's back in the classic black and blue costume. Maybe Dick didn't truly need a status quo change, but there's little to complain about with the character's direction in DC Rebirth.

As with Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps Rebirth #1, Nightwing Rebirth #1 is less a clean break for Dick than it is an opportunity to wrap up loose ends from the New 52 and set the stage for the ongoing series. Seeley touches base with a number of familiar faces as Dick settles old scores and prepares to trade in his spy gear for the Nightwing costume. It's great seeing Dick trade barbs with Midnighter one last time and bid an uncomfortable farewell to Helena Bertinelli. It's even better watching Seeley explore the big brother/little brother bond between Dick and Damian, a dynamic that's been sorely under-explored in the New 52. Maybe this issue is a little light in plot (apart from a late sequence establishing a new enemy), but it's plenty entertaining along the way.

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