
Wednesday 20 July 2016

I Am Setsuna Review

The latest game news from IGN - one of my fave channels ever - check it out

Even if I am Setsuna hadn't been sold to the public as a salve for Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy 6 fans pining for the golden age of the JRPG, its many similarities to those two classics would invite comparison. But instead of shamelessly aping those games, I Am Setsuna felt more like its own game the further I got into its deep magic and skills system, and the more I got to know its cast of intriguing characters. Some balance issues come dangerously close to trivializing its otherwise enjoyable combat, but it ultimately pulls through on the strength of its well-established tone and a well-told story.

I Am Setsuna’s greatest strength, by far, is its steadfast commitment to the somber tone it establishes right from the outset. Yes, there are brief moments of levity, but nothing that qualifies as an attempt at comic relief, and the journey is all the better for it. This is a tragic tale of a fractured world filled with people who vainly struggle against a rising tide of danger, and nearly every creative choice properly reflects this. The gorgeous and achingly sad all-piano soundtrack, the muted colors, and the relentless emptiness of the overworld all work in harmonious service to the themes of sacrifice, regret, and hope in the face of cyclical and unending conflict.

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