
Monday 18 July 2016

Orange Episode 3 Review

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Warning: Full spoilers for the episode below.

Orange, so far, has revolved around the soft ability to change the future. By knowing the future, via a letter, Naho can effectively make different decisions to alter history. We don’t get to physically see the regretful reality her future self once lived, but we don’t have to. We’re witnessing the present as future-Naho perceives it should have been, and that’s enough. Yet in “Letter 03,” we’re shown that sometimes things don’t go exactly as planned.

Naho’s growing closer to Kakeru. That much is evident, especially after Kakeru confided about his mother’s suicide to Naho in the previous episode. At this point, Naho obviously loves Kakeru. He shows glimmers of feeling the same but, much like Naho, is probably too shy and nervous to confess it. It’s the atypical shoujo romance drama—except for what sets Orange apart from its genre’s counterparts: actual, heartfelt tragedy, with a bit of sci-fi time traveling letters tossed in. Orange resonates as genuine in a sea of shoujo romances that, for the most part, feel the same and follow the same plot beats. While Orange doesn’t avoid these tropes, it embraces them wholeheartedly in a way that works for its narrative.

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