
Monday 11 July 2016

Song of the Deep Review

The latest game news from IGN - one of my fave channels ever - check it out

When’s the last time you remember playing a game with good underwater controls? Echo the Dolphin, maybe? It’s incredibly rare that a game gets the appropriately floaty feel of aquatic movement right, and thus frustrating underwater sections are a common problem that dates all the way back to the original Super Mario Bros. And despite taking place entirely underwater, Insomniac’s Song of the Deep’s clunky submarine controls exacerbate its repetitive puzzles, and together they drown out its serene and beautiful Metroidvania-style retelling of a fantastical Irish fairy tale.

A painterly look and melancholy Celtic music are every bit as effective and enjoyable in the opening minutes as they are at the end of the eight-hour adventure. Characters, backgrounds, and animations remind me like a cross between Child of Light and Ori and the Blind Forest in a really beautiful way. There are some slight performance hiccups, specifically when you cross a save point, but it was nothing major enough to harm the overall style.

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