
Wednesday 20 July 2016

Snotgirl #1 Review

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Snotgirl marks Scott Pilgrim creator Bryan Lee O'Malley's first monthly comic. And if this first issue is any indication, it's a format he should have tackled long ago. Regardless of your attachment to O'Malley's previous works, Snotgirl #1 offers a funny, compelling, and downright weird look at the world of fashion blogging.

Snotgirl revolves around the bizarre double life of blogger Lottie Person. This trendy writer is utterly obsessed with projecting the ideal image to her massive audience of

followers. But if the idea of reading about a self-absorbed Millennial/social media maven doesn't sound appealing, know that there's a lot more to the series. Lottie is also a chronic self-loather who struggles to create meaningful relationships in her Twitter-dominated life. Plus, there's the fact that she suffers from severe allergies, hence the "Snotgirl" moniker.

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