
Tuesday 12 July 2016

The Infiltrator Review

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Bryan Cranston is back dealing with drugs once more in director Brad Furman's The Infiltrator. Unlike Breaking Bad, where Cranston played the pro-drug Walter White, here his character, Robert Mazur, takes the anti- side, fighting the war on drugs for the US government. The film is based on a non-fiction book written by the real Mazur, a federal agent who worked undercover to help take down drug cartels.

The Infiltrator revolves around an assignment wherein Mazur went undercover as a money launderer, Bob Musella, and slowly but surely wormed his way into Pablo Escobar's machine in the mid-'80s. And, while Cranston delivers a strong performance, the film itself is, as much as any movie with some brutal murders can be, mundane.

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