
Wednesday 13 July 2016

Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps Rebirth #1 Review

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Like Green Arrow before it, Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps serves as a major test of the DC Rebirth relaunch. Can this new series offer something new and exciting to readers despite featuring the same writer as the previous volume of Green Lantern? Once again, the answer appears to be yes. The new status quo offers writer Robert Venditti a chance to start fresh with the Green Lantern franchise and leave the mistakes of the past behind. And with Ethan Van Sciver kicking off this new series, even jaded GL fans have plenty of cause for excitement.

Like many Rebirth specials, this issue is less concerned with providing a fresh jumping-on point than bridging the gap between the New 52 and DC Rebirth. Venditti's script is certainly accessible enough, but it focuses mainly on tying up loose ends as far as Hal Jordan's evolving physical state and the shifting balance of power between the Green Lanterns and the Sinestro Corps. This issue is as much a follow-up to Cullen Bunn's Sinestro series as it is Venditti's Green Lantern, and a very satisfying one at that. Venditti's depiction of Sinestro as a withered leader who has sacrificed everything for the sake of his Corps is every bit as resonant as his exploration of Hal's one-man stand in a universe where the Emerald Light has almost faded. Where Hal's DC You status quo quickly lost its luster, this one has clear staying power.

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