
Wednesday 6 July 2016

The Amazing Spider-Man #15 Review

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Dan Slott and Giuseppe Camuncoli wrap up their latest Spider-Man epic with this issue, as Mary Jane finds herself the last hero standing after Regent has captured every last Avenger. This issue serves as a solid showcase for MJ in her new "not quite super hero, not quite civilian" status quo, but ultimately this story arc fails for the same reason ASM: Renew Your Vows did last year. Regent simply isn't a very compelling character.

To his credit, Slott attempts to flesh out the power-stealing villain a bit more and cement the notion that Regent is a victim of his own hubris and a man who lost his humanity the moment he put his ambition over his family. Sadly, it's a case of too little, too late. Having Peter and Tony wax philosophical about Regent's failings after the fact isn't the same as establishing those failings organically over the course of the story.

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