
Monday 18 July 2016

Kerbal Space Program PS4 Review

The latest game news from IGN - one of my fave channels ever - check it out

Kerbal Space Program is the most fun I've ever had failing. And man oh man, did I fail – over and over again. It's part of Kerbal's experimental nature. By the time I finally built a rocket that achieved successful orbit I had failed so many times that in almost any other game I would have given up completely. But that's where the genius of Kerbal really is: hard work pays off, and once I was able to determine the cause of my failures, be it staging woes or my nose pitching violently at 1000 meters, every successful launch was a thing of beauty.

Kerbal on PlayStation 4 is for the most part exactly the same as its PC counterpart (read our Kerbal Space Program PC review), with the big exception of the control scheme. I found it daunting at first glance: there's a lot going on in every single screen, and accessing the in-game help files did nothing to put me at ease. To accommodate Kerbal’s made-for-mouse-and-keyboard complexity, Certain buttons on the controller behave as modifiers that, when held down, give each of the other buttons different functions. It sounds like a hot mess, but I was amazed at how quickly I was able to figure the controls out without a cheat-sheet in front of me. The button assignments have a really intuitive feel... although I often accidentally hit X during EVAs, causing my Kerbal to let go of its module and float helplessly into space. So human error is a factor.

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