
Saturday 9 July 2016

Outlander: Season 2 Finale Review

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Full spoilers for Outlander continue below.

For all that Outlander's Season 2 finale was a 90 minute extended episode, it didn't have much room to breathe. "Dragonfly in Amber" had the double duty of wrapping up the season-long Culloden storyline while also sending the Starz series in a very different direction, and the episode did both of those to varying degrees of success.

Of the two, Culloden got short-changed. The bulk of the episode's screentime was taken away from the ill-fated plight of Bonnie Prince Charlie, and even then short chunks were shoved in between longer -- and often more interesting -- jumps to 1968. Despite the short amount of time spent in the past, some fairly major events took place: Claire and Jamie, realizing the battle couldn't be won, briefly toy with the idea of murdering Charles Stuart; when Dougal overhear them, they kill him to prevent their betrayal from getting out; and Claire and Jamie get a touching, emotional farewell at Craigh na Dun.

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