
Wednesday 6 July 2016

Batman #2 Review

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Tom  King and David Finch began their Batman run on a surprisingly bleak note last month, with Batman confronting a seemingly insurmountable challenge and surviving only by the intervention of Gotham's two newest heroes. Issue #2, naturally, explores the fallout of that instance of deus ex machina and the question of whether Batman can share his city with a pair of Superman-level heroes. The result is a fun blend of classic Batman tropes and new challenges for the Dark Knight.

It would be nice if a little more attention were paid to fleshing out Gotham and Gotham Girl. The latter character especially is barely more defined by the end of issue #2 than she was in issue #1. The fact that Batman seems utterly disinterested in learning the identities and motives of these costumed upstarts seems strange, to say the least. However, there's a sense that this hands-off approach is intentional and that King is only revealing as much about the characters as absolutely necessary right now. And he finds ample room to explore this new clash of personalities as the gruff, seasoned Batman begins to impart his wisdom on these two talented by clearly inexperienced rookies. Even better is the hilarious interaction between the new heroes and Commissioner Gordon (who clearly hasn't let his brief tenure as a superhero go to his head).

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