
Wednesday 27 July 2016

International Iron Man #5 Review

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Like its sister series, International Iron Man is a generally decent comic that has a tendency to move much too slow for its own good. It's enough to make you wish the two books were rolled into one. This issue succeeds in setting the stage for a compelling new direction as Tony Stark digs deeper into the mystery of his birth parents. But as for wrapping up the story of Tony's doomed romance with Cassandra Gillespie, it's far less successful. After five issues, it's not clear what this book's actual aim is.

Above all, this issue left me questioning what the point of the Cassandra storyline actually was. Little is accomplished from their present-day reunion. It ends in the same way 90% of modern X-Men stories seem to, with the hero seemingly facing mortal danger and then suddenly pulling a rabbit out of their hat at the eleventh hour. There's no satisfying payoff. No major reveal that promises to tie Cassandra's story to Tony's for the foreseeable future. As interesting as it is to see glimpses of Tony's pre-Iron Man years and his battles with his father, nothing in this issue justifies the amount of time devoted to these extensive flashbacks. They're well-written but ultimately unremarkable.

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