
Wednesday 6 July 2016

The Division: Underground Review

The latest game news from IGN - one of my fave channels ever - check it out

Both for better and for worse, The Division: Underground would probably be the best way to show a curious, uninitiated player the hazy mix of fun and tedium that typifies Ubisoft’s massive third-person shooter. After all, The Division has always been at its best when the bullets are flying and your team is the only thing standing between you and the swirling chaos of explosions and gunfire, and Underground delivers that in concentrated shots without the long, pointless slogs through empty city streets. In typical Division fashion, though, this expansion still finds a few other ways to waste players’ time, like by saddling them with an ultimately unnecessary grind that threatens to tire them out before they ever get to the good stuff - which incidentally, isn’t all that good anyway.

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